[PCU] Ronin - Pandaren Volunteer Force [H] đŸŒ

Had fun fighting these guys over an orb yesterday, hope we run into eachother again soon!


Tomorrow the Ronin will be starting to venture back into RP following the launch of the expansion, with their work taking them back to the ever familiar Pandaria!

There are reports from locals that something crashed into the Jade Forest from the skies late in the night, a previously unseen event that has left the oft reserved people of the region spooked!

Who better than the Ronin to see what fell to the earth and decide the correct course of action?

If you have a Pandaren on the shelf or are interested in making one to join us for roleplay as we move forward, don’t hesitate to contact any of us online! We’re always looking for more powerful Pandaren to take part.


It was great to RP with the Ronin again after enjoying the Shadowlands launch. We also got to have a nice evening around the tea house with our elven and troll allies.

Things really are looking up! Great start to an expansion, some wonderful fresh members, and loads of new toys that are perfect for Ronin and Pandaren use. Boy howdy.

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Bear. Force. One!

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One day, Chook will make me an honourary Ronin IC.

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Heard many things about you guys! (Rest assured, they’ve all been great!) Hoping to find you soon! If you’d have me, of course!

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Yo that’s awesome! Any one with the will to wear black is welcome, naturally. Keep an eye out for Chyouka, myself, or any Ronin really, we all ought to be able to invite you to the gang!

It’s been fun getting back into some RP now that the holidays have passed. Will be a great time to welcome new faces!


We had an absolute awesome time teaming up with the Highblood Myrmidons last night on the Isle of Thunder and whoopin’ some foreign invader butt. Who would’ve thought that elves and pandaren compliment one another so well? It must be the mutual thousand-year-old empires.


Best Pandaren squad in AD. Surprisingly reliable for a race that is under-educated in the superior ways of the arcane. Oh, and when you work with them, they will throw in a tea ceremony as a bonus. Win-win.


Of course we offer tea. What kind of manners would it be otherwise?

((HRP: Is the guild, rather are the pandaren within them hostile to er
 Let’s call it “side business”?
HuĂȘ ain’t exactly pure of heart, even though she is likeable - lots of people found her adorable, and she is! - and share the minset of her kindred.
If some of you er
 Share that common interest, I must say I’ll consider joining you! We need more pandas :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face:))

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Hey bud!
You’ll find that more than a few of our members have, shall we say, ‘coloured pasts’. We really consist of pandaren from all walks of life. No one is going to be leaping to chase someone away for their interests! We all want the same thing after all (more or less).

Give any of us a holler! We’ve got some killer events coming up this week that’ll be great to see what the gang is about.


Last night the Ronin recovered barrels for an uptight businessman and slew a trouble-causing hozen posing as ‘the Monkey Prince’, thus freeing the captive cloud serpents in the process which lead to the Monkey Court’s dissolution.

The hunt for the Jin Xiangjiao is still far from over. There’s plenty to do in the meantime! Vulperan Markets and Lunar festivals are on the horizon.


I’ve had nothing but pleasant experiences with Ronin so far. They were very welcoming and brought me into the guild and along for events without me even having to ask. Really great bunch of players and characters, a real joy to RP with, very inclusive and open.

Would highly recommend! Join today. :dagger:


I’ll add the very same thing. As well as being panda lovers, they actually make you feel at home straight away.

Lovely bunch of people, really!


These guys keep sending me haikus and I don’t know if I should be flattered of offended


The wind’s scent is fair
Honey and peaches; what now?
Your stink ruins it.

Just kidding. We should have tea again sometime, maybe at the Tavern in the Mists this round.


HOORAH! :muscle:

These PROUD volunteers of the Horde have helped the Thirteenth train this night! Our greatest thanks go to these INSANELY awesome Pandaren. I SALUTE YOU, HEAR ME! I SALUTE! /salute


I wanted to send some mail to Senior Sister Cheaoka, but strangely it does not seem to work =(

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You’ll need to reach me on this name!

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i did. you should have a letter :smiley:

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