The fields have been picked dry of strong backs. The King has taken every man he could get his clammy hands on to fight in his war. How many of those honest folk have been left as bleached bones on some distant, foreign shore?
They’ve killed the man, but never the message! As long as there’s common folk under the boot of the nobles … this red rag will mean something!
Go on then, sunshine. You want to contribute to the cause, right? Peace and plenty for the folk here. Yeah. We’ll be sure to distribute it. Hand us the coins and we’ll let you walk.
Fools! Our cause is righteous!
Hello gamers,
Defias is recruiting (as the name suggests) bandits, ruffians, freedom fights and ne’er-do-wells still beholden to the ideals of Vancleef’s brotherhood. With them being loosely involved in Legion’s lore as members of the Uncrowned, I think it would be cool to create an antagonist guild operating in the Kingdom of Stormwind and beyond to bump heads with the forces of law and supporters of the royalty.
Members of the Defias should be maybe on the lower side of the fantasy scale although the guild will be very liberal with the races it recruits - ie. gnolls, ogres and murlocs have all fought for this faction before and thus will be accepted (thought not inside Stormwind’s walls). There’s not really a uniform beyond the mask (outside of city walls, again) though it should be kept less flashy for most part
The group will be caught in a struggle between their noble goals and the grim reality - the struggle for fair payment for the working folk corrupted by banditry, theft and skulduggery and will play out all the themes that you’d expect with that in mind
If you’re interested hit up “Mpf” “Trevor” or “Lester” (or really any member) for more info
!! Wear a mask !!