[PCU] The Vulperan Trademark :tm:

The mixed band of Trademarks and Ronin had coordinated their escape well and they managed to quickly overpower the few guards that blocked their route to the armory.
Determined to leave their cold prison cells behind as quickly as possible they escaped Tol Dagor before the alarm could be raised and found refuge in Plunder Harbor.

The following day, those still able to stand and fight were called to arms to defend Castaway Point from a sizeable force of Irontide pirates. The battle there did not only bring coin for the caravans coffers but they obtained a powerful artifact by slaying its previous owner who led the assault.

The next evening another object of interest was retrieved from Greystone Keep after a swift expedition led by the talented captain of the Ronin with support of their vulperan allies.

Being in the possession of everything their contract asked for, they began the journey home which led them through the dark and gloomy woods and over the snowy peaks of Drustvar till they made it to Anyport, finally able to venture home after a long and arduous trip.

The Trademark didn’t enjoy the comfort of their campsite in Orgrimmar for long however as they were tasked to deliver vital supplies to their partners shortly after they had just returned, but despite the need for rest they performed admirably and managed to complete yet another task successfully.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the long cross-guild event, especially the Ronin whom we directly worked with.
Proved to be a pretty exciting plot.


Currently recruiting future recruiters and traders, some scavengers would be nice too!
If you think you can help us out and wanna offer us a chance or see what we do in our events, feel free to get in touch with me.
You can always contact me IC wise too.


Glad to see this guild being successful, a very co-operative & cool bunch of players. Not a bad word to say about them, cheers to your future in RP. :beers:


The Trademarks will soon open a market, each month for a few hours people will be able to buy and sell anything on the market outside of Orgrimmar.
Don’t worry, we have food and drinks. :wink:
Make sure to check it out!


Our Trademark cousins are a cool bunch. Definitely worth checking out if anyone is looking for a vulpera RP guild! :fox_face:


Soon our caravan will be relocated!
Can’t wait for a new spot + you are more than welcome to join in and enjoy our events!

We are currently looking for guardians, recruiters, traders and scavengers anyway!


It is so easy to brush off the vulpera as a ‘meme’ race and all that nonsense. Those who do miss out a lot of potential. Sucks to be them, because the Vulperan Trademark show off how cool the vulpera caravan can be.

Getting into trouble, finding trouble or being the trouble, dealing with items they find and using them. Or selling them. Crafty, resourceful and always on the move.

Wanna see the best of the vulpera? Seek out these little guys as they stop to sell some of their wares and see what they can do for you.


25th is near!
Come and join the Vulperan Market!


Very nice people both IC and OOC! I was happy to hang out with them, and i hope it will happen more often.


Fantastic group of people who create amazing content both guild side and server wide. Check them out! I promise you won’t regret it.


The event they held was simply: EPIC.

Loved and really enjoyed the interactions. Thanks and totally recommended!


And so the campaign has begun, they and the Bilgewater Battalion successfully resurrected their dead captain who is no longer dead!
However, it is the first time the Trademarks saw these strange lands, the lands of Outland, a place with demons, giant mushrooms and unique beasts, almost like aliens!

So far they have had their first interaction with the leper gnomes, a strange kind if Nyssi can recall, green gnomes with a strange tone of talking, repeating the same word over and over.
“Is every leper Gnome like this?”

However that interaction was probably not the last, they aided a piece of the Saurfang Legion, they helped their wounded and offered them some helping hands in the fight.
Their choice of joining the Saurfang Legion is no regret, great adventures and great allies.

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The Dustpaw’s closest and finest ally right here. Great guild! :fox_face:

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Trademarks? Yeah they’re pretty awesome!

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Our campaign is over!
We’re back in Orgrimmar, recruiting and trading! Anyone willing to do any of those, feel free to approach us. We always like some interactions!
To get recruited contact Komu, me or any recruiter in our guild.


Please do join these guys! They are more than wonderful!

Support your local Vulpera, people!

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Due to recent events, the Trademark will need to adapt again, a change for them and the people around them.
They will count the days until they can get their revenge.
They have experienced both sides, Horde and Loyalists, they know which one doesn’t spit on them.

We are still recruiting! You should join in!


When have I ever spat on you?!

These are a fine band of traders, fighters and marketers.
No matter your race, you know you’ll find a good home in the Trademark ™


i do hope the trademarks stay strong trough this rough times.
You started out great during the PTR days

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