[PCU] Voidfury - Advent of Oblivion ☄️

Lovely people! If you are a void elf, you should consider checking out this group!


This is the group I want next to me when fighting void-possessed machinery.


The Voidfury attended a medal ceremony to commemorate their service in Hellfire Peninsula after fights against Horde and Demons alike. Back in Exodar, one last mission at the behest of the local Peacekeepers kept them around for an investigation of elven presence.

Returning to the Eastern Kingdoms, the Ren’dorei stopped in Kul’Tiras to pursue an ancient pirate legend’s trail, then found eerily similar fleshbeasts in the depths of a troll blood temple in Stranglethorn as they were fighting in Bloodmyst.

Called for a short assignment in Dun Morogh to collaborate with their Forgecog allies, the Voidfury investigated a gnomish infinity cult who were tricked into a woeful division-by-zero by an eerie spectre and “ascended” beyond their bodies to haunt the local machinery. A few broken gears and a blown-up mainframe away New Tinkertown was safe again.

A short shore leave where they picked up some new members formed into an excursion to hunt Kvaldir on the seas before the void elves finally returned to Manaforge Ultris, home at last, since more than a month’s time. With their new netherlord standing as interim leader and encouraging the elves to pursue a path of control each, days of training and preparation will follow.

The void cults, while seemingly chaotic, followed a pattern. Thin threads connecting them each, to a larger conspiracy. A conspiracy that might end up shaking the Voidfury to the core.

Join us to partake in a long-running storyline and collaboration with other guilds. We’ve roleplay each night with some lighter days and some investigations.

Chaos will guide our path.

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Since I interacted with Voidfury, my life changed. I can never look at anything I know the same way again. Voidfury represents emotions that most humans could never understand. But I can. Thanks to Voidfury I was awakened to many things previously considered unimaginable. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful experience Voidfury.

(PS: Good Void Elf guild :+1: )


After a campaign in Tol Barad where an artifact called the Crimson Sliver was justifiably LIBERATED from the corrupt, evil sin’dorei of the Edict and Myrmidons, it’s time for a spot of rest for the Seventh Voidfury Expedition, and then next week back to business…

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Readying for another deployment, the Voidfury gather to discuss events past, events ahead and an upcoming mission. If they want their deployment abroad to succeed and unravel the next void cult, they’re bound to infiltrate the Legion fleet where Sylnaar is kept imprisoned and free him.

Candlestine planning and scheming is always fun. Especially when the Legion and felfire is involved!

Yea, I know. Have you made your daily sacrifice for the Lord?

Obligatory Self Cameo, something big is coming…

Missing our friends because they’re playing worse elves rn :frowning: and want to beat us up on them :frowning:


May it remain that way


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The Ghost of Lunarglade shall guide us to onwards…

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