[PCU] Worgen/Night Elf RP - Dirge of Teldrassil 🌳

Your flesh and blood will soon feed the fungus. We will meet again.

You guys are great. Keep up the RP!


Somewhere in Stormwind


Ilistria’s fingers traced across her newest scar, the wound had healed up well, but healing only went so far, even when it was enhanced by magic. The lightning whip that had hit her when fighting the goblin shaman at Bilgewater had left a jagged line around her side and up her back, little branches coming out the main scar like tiny streams from a river. The skin was still tender to her touch as she traced the line with her finger.

It joined one of the many scars upon her body, Ilistria has been fighting since a young age, she could barely remember a time when she had not been fighting something or someone, following one cause or another, fulfilling an oath. Six thousand years and more of fighting and no sign that it would ever end for her, there was always a new cause that her blades were pledged to serve.

She had sworn another oath last night, pledged herself to fight for the Dirge, to avenge her kinfolk that were murdered when the tree was burned by the Horde. The ash from the blessed and burned leaves was still upon her face, over her crimson facial marks. The oath had been taken under the gaze of Elune, the words said in a sacred place, it bound her to the cause and once an oath was made it could not be unmade, it had to be honoured by any means necessary.

The last time she had sworn an oath under Elunes gaze has been long ago, when she had been young, when she had become a sentinel, when she had taken her first facial markings, that oath had been broken, not by her but by them, when she had been captured by the sin’dorei, when she had been abandoned by her sisters, left for dead. Although a part of her had died, after the long years in captivity, after the torture, after she had finally been broken by her captors, turned into a monster, twisting her mind until she had worked for them, killed for them, done what they told her to, until she enjoyed it.

But she had broken free of them, been saved by someone, brought back from her madness by them, but the monster her captors had created was still inside her, it wanted to kill, it enjoyed the hunt, it enjoyed the moment that a life was taken. That rage, that power she had learned to control, even harness, and now she had a new oath, a new purpose, a purpose that her inner monster would be perfect for.

The enemy she fought against would feel its rage, would suffer and die at its hand, and those who had died at the tree would be avenged, for that was her oath.


epic allies, cannot wait to see them on sunday at the tinkers faire!


I have to ask!! What the heck is [PCU] In the tag?

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This guild is part of a community named PCU, standing for Perroy Cinematic Universe.


We’ve returned to the enchanted forests of Kalimdor after a great Tinker’s faire.
All is not well though, with the growing infamy of the Dirge, horde forces muster to bring us to heel

OOC: We’re back in Ashenvale and a lot planned, more RP-PVP and events, good time to get in touch if you’re a Worgen/Night elf interested!


Ohh thanks Kump!

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After killing many orcs, i still approve of this thread.

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How would one go about joining these fair men and women, fighting only for justice? D:

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Contact anyone online and an officer will be in touch, IC the process is somewhat simple
 But we leave that to ingame discussion. We’re a secret group of terr- I mean fighters for justice.


And we are also very creative with the recruitment process. A lot of fun that I can only recommend :slight_smile: .


Excellent people to shout foul curses at before you actually curse them!


That was a good play on your part, I must agree!

I won’t interrupt your spells next time. I misunderstood our rules.

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Ilistria had returned to camp after the ambush on the Sin’dorei, It had not gone as well as it could have, the Sin’dorei had a number of rangers along with a warlock in the group and despite trying , it had proved impossible to get close to them and shut them down, which had resulted in the Dirge having to retreat a number of times, regroup and then hit them again.

The element of surprise was the Dirges biggest advantage in battle, move in, strike hard, then retreat back into the forest before the target could organise or reinforce themselves, The tactic had been used by the Kaldorei with great success for thousands of years, Ilistria had used it herself when she was part of the Sentinels, but the Dirge were not the Sentinels, not all of them were even Kaldorei. The Sentinels were the best at what they did as they fought together as if they were one, each sister knowing what each other around them would do, each sister knowing that her fellow sister beside her would be there protecting her back, anticipating her next move before she even made it, they trained for years, trained together until they thought as one and fought as one

But the Dirge were not at that level yet, they had formed recently, gathered from those that wanted justice for the events of the tree. Each thought as an individual still, each member fought their own fight, had their own motifs and reasons for being there. They fought well, they had anger and passion driving them forward against the enemy. But if only they could come together more, to function like the Sentinels, to fight and think as one, then they would be unstoppable, a force their enemies would truly learn to fear.

Ilistria replaced the bandage on her shoulder with a new dressing, an arrow from one of the rangers had caught her during the battle, her leather armour and gambeson had stopped it from penetrating to deeply, and although painful it would not hamper her ability to fight much, once in battle again her rage would mask the pain and drive her on, but still it was an injury and it would compromise her speed and movement a little.

She stood slowly, strapping her armour back on, then turned and moved off into the forest scouting back around the camp, her form almost becoming one with the trees around her, just another shadow in the night. She would be ready for the next battle whenever it came.


The Dirge strikes at the heart of Stonetalon, seeking to put an end to one Bilgewater’s vendetta
 That night, one of the Oil Rigs in Stonetalon exploded in a violent blast, leaving mere rubble behind as well as an echo becoming another tribute to the requiem
 Vengeance for Teldrassil.


Ilistria sat atop the tower looking out to the land beyond, They had escaped from the battle, the ambush they had set up had gone very wrong, the enemy had known they were coming and had attacked them first. But the escape had come at a cost, one of their own was missing, either slain, or taken captive.

Ilistria clenched her fists hard until her knuckles were white, some of the Dirge wanted to abandon him to his fate, she would not let that happen, they would get him back. They would not let his hope slip away, they would not abandon him
she would not let it happen.

The memories of her own captivity returned to her every night in her dreams, flashbacks which placed her back in the windowless cell that had been her home for so long, she relived the faces of her sin’dorei tormentors again and again, the bite of the whip, the burning pain of the blade, the agony of the iron upon her. She would not abandon another to that same fate.

She had clung to the hope of rescue, she had counted the days until they had become weeks, then the weeks had turned to months and finally years.

But her sisters never came for her, she was left in the darkness, left to her fate. abandoned and all alone in the darkness , the hope of rescue was all there was to cling to, all that kept you sane. Without hope there was just darkness, endless darkness, and after those long years when all hope had finally left her she was broken.

She would not let another suffer that same fate, she would not abandon him to them. She would go to any lengths to get him back. Before he lost hope, before he was broken, she had sworn an oath under Elunes gaze to serve, and to fight for the Dirge and her kin. That oath could not be unsaid. He was one of them and she was bound by her own honour to free him or die in the attempt. She would not abandon another like had been done to her, she would not become an oathbreaker.


If I could post an epic screenie I would, but we’ve just finished a short RPPVP event chain with these gamers
 and it was very cool

if u are a night elf gamer or even a worgen and are looking for a guild? I think you should join.


After finishing a small campaign in Stonetalon Mountains with the illustrious Highblood Myrmidons, we return to Ashenvale, our schedule more packed than ever.

The sighs of the “Saurfang Legion” squarely planted on us, we now must arm for inevitable bloodshed

Now’s a good time to get in touch if you want to join, message anyone online if interested.


Was good fun engaging in rp-pvp with these guys! they surprisingly put up a good fight against the Cohort! silly elf tings! we find you again and finish the job!