[PCU] Worgen/Night Elf RP - Dirge of Teldrassil 🌳

Ilistria sat atop the tower looking out to the land beyond, They had escaped from the battle, the ambush they had set up had gone very wrong, the enemy had known they were coming and had attacked them first. But the escape had come at a cost, one of their own was missing, either slain, or taken captive.

Ilistria clenched her fists hard until her knuckles were white, some of the Dirge wanted to abandon him to his fate, she would not let that happen, they would get him back. They would not let his hope slip away, they would not abandon him
she would not let it happen.

The memories of her own captivity returned to her every night in her dreams, flashbacks which placed her back in the windowless cell that had been her home for so long, she relived the faces of her sin’dorei tormentors again and again, the bite of the whip, the burning pain of the blade, the agony of the iron upon her. She would not abandon another to that same fate.

She had clung to the hope of rescue, she had counted the days until they had become weeks, then the weeks had turned to months and finally years.

But her sisters never came for her, she was left in the darkness, left to her fate. abandoned and all alone in the darkness , the hope of rescue was all there was to cling to, all that kept you sane. Without hope there was just darkness, endless darkness, and after those long years when all hope had finally left her she was broken.

She would not let another suffer that same fate, she would not abandon him to them. She would go to any lengths to get him back. Before he lost hope, before he was broken, she had sworn an oath under Elunes gaze to serve, and to fight for the Dirge and her kin. That oath could not be unsaid. He was one of them and she was bound by her own honour to free him or die in the attempt. She would not abandon another like had been done to her, she would not become an oathbreaker.


If I could post an epic screenie I would, but we’ve just finished a short RPPVP event chain with these gamers
 and it was very cool

if u are a night elf gamer or even a worgen and are looking for a guild? I think you should join.


After finishing a small campaign in Stonetalon Mountains with the illustrious Highblood Myrmidons, we return to Ashenvale, our schedule more packed than ever.

The sighs of the “Saurfang Legion” squarely planted on us, we now must arm for inevitable bloodshed

Now’s a good time to get in touch if you want to join, message anyone online if interested.


Was good fun engaging in rp-pvp with these guys! they surprisingly put up a good fight against the Cohort! silly elf tings! we find you again and finish the job!


Silly elf tings, not listening when Tak’rata gave you the names of the leaders of the Saurfang Legion (admittedly in her terrible and probably unhelpful orcish) and instead trying to throw her off the cliff!

Much fun, would be captured by you again any day!


We’ll gotten you if not for those meddling trolls and their dinos!

In all seriousness, what a based event!

10/10 would fight again


As the Dirgemaster has taken interest in the sudden rise in activity of Shatterspear trolls, the Dirge set out to teach the trolls a lesson
 However, what seemed like an easy job soon turned problematic due to a sudden bear-riding ambush!

With a fair bit of struggle, the sentries were defeated and the partisans emerged victorious, leaving behind a single frozen troll as a reminder to the Horde of their existence and memories of their war crimes. Vengeance for Teldrassil!


love trees

hate trolls



Shame I wasn’t in time to attend this brilliant event!

Looking to join this group of [gamers] soon!


Got fudged over by the servers tonight aswell ?

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Nah, though I heard it put the whole server in quite the annoying pickle.

There had been sightings of goblins working away around the outskirts of Raynewood Retreat - felling trees and any wildlife getting in their way.

The Dirge responded swiftly by seeking to confront the little implings in an-
 unorthodox manner. However, what activity they had spotted only a few moons ago, seemed to have mysteriously halted.

Instead of facing goblins, the Dirge found themselves standing eye to eye with a squad of pandaren - the ‘Ronin’, apparently. They preached about some nonsensical idea of PEACE while “cunningly” having preyed on our company of kaldorei and worgen. Ironic. Though, the ambushers soon became the ambushees.

How very typical of goblins - never fighting their own battles. Instead, they send emissaries to do their dirty work for them.

No. It was far too late for peace.

A battle broke out. The Dirge fought the Ronin and their Bilgewater Battalion comrades with tooth, claw, fang and blades. But the lush field of battle was no match for pandaren flamethrowers.

Smoke and flames greedily devoured a good acre of Raynewood in the end. A hauntingly familiar sight.

The Dirge will not forget about the “peace-loving” pandaren and their tactics anytime soon. Should one dare to enter elven lands again, they just might not return to Orgrimmar


Goooood goooooooooood.

Yes Peace will shall have peace when the Banshee queens head sits on a spike, and when the rivers flow red with Horde blood, only when they are all purged from our lands, no longer able to defile our temples and sacred places, or burn and fell our trees, only when we have vengeance for our murdered kin that died at their hands at Teldrassil.

When that day comes then we shall have peace, until then there is only war.

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You stole it from the trolls, though.

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Filthy lies.

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Propaganda, spread by Horde sympathizers. We shall have none of it.

Haven’t you read Chronicles IC!?

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Shotgun Pump

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No, the WiFi is unsurprisingly :poop: in the middle of Ashenvale.