[PCU] [X-FACTION] North & Void RP -- The Grim Gest ☠

we eat em!


Thanks fellow PCU members for recommending this PCU guild, we do love 'em


we kiss em good night


Grim Gest, coming to an Elven city near you.


First they came for the balloons, then they came for the random fishermen :pensive:


In the past, we find ourselves… In memories we find identity.

“Do NOT go there, You are cannot overcome him!” said the Elven man to her, barking. The Ranger glared, marching close on a fast space, locking her eyes into his, leaning forth in anger “Either he will die, or all of us. Do not attempt to stop me, lest you face the I wrath I am to unleash on him, one which you never faced.” she told him with a sinister anger, her arcanic lit eyes reflecting the rage within. “I cannot afford to have you captured, Dal’dorah. We can’t lose you as well.” said the man with a sigh, closing his eyes, having calmed down from anger, now in a saddened state. “Were I this feeble, I would not have lasted this long, my dear.” said the woman, grunting, a hand of hers placed on his shoulder. “I will return victorious, and I will free them all from that monster. I promise.” she said, before nodding to the Elven Man before her, to assure him. He nodded slowly , before saying: “Then may the Sun guide your strike.”

Picking her bow up, she left the building in Silvermoon. Calling for her Lynx, the Ranger rode for south, in direction of where she was to face the Warlord who had some of her kin as captives. The Ranger strode far, past the Thalassian Pass, the lands of Eastweald and Lordaeron, past Darrowmere and eventually found herself at Hinterlands, Aerie Peak, where the Wildhammer allies were. “Hello lassie, yer here again!” said a jolly, familiar Dwarf, waving at her as he was patting his Gryphon. A smile came from the Ranger “Bal’a Dash, my friend. It’s time for another prey to be brought down. Quel’Danil needs my aid once more, as I am to hunt the Warlord called—”

The memory ended here. These were series of flashbacks Thelenadras had got recently, even though they were all vague. Who was the Elven Man, who was the Dwarf… And the Warlord she were to slay? Were the Captives freed in the end?
Not long after, another flashback came to her mind…


“I can smell ya, little Elf. Come out of hidin’ an’ face me if ya dare, enough playin’ wit arrows!” said the brutish Forest Troll as he cackled. The area was a corridor of a town, resembling Jintha’Alor. The shriek of a flying Amani Eagle, a child of Akil’darah echoed as suddenly, The Hawk herself flew in from hiding, leaping towards the Troll and with a sharp, poisonous dagger in hand. She aimed to stab and pierce the neck of the monster with a bloodthirsty vengeance! “AARGH!” screamed the Troll in pain as his neck was pierced and the Elf landed on him, only to throw her aside afterwards in backlash. The Troll kept roaring out in pain. He had lost a lot of blood by this, yet the brute was too tough to die just yet.

The Ranger, having crashed into a wall of stone, got up after a moment with a grunt and drew her blade, locking her blue gaze with the bloody gaze of the berserking Vilebranch. “Ah, dere ya be! Wat did dey call ya again? Thelenadras? Ya be WEAK, like all of ya bruddahs and sistahs! Hah, ya were not dere when I ended deir misery. Ya be too late to save dem, mon. Now, join dem and DIE!” said the Troll, taunting the Ranger with his spiteful words, drawing his dual axes.
Enraged, the Elven Ranger roared out in wrath “I will hang all of your insides from the gate of Jintha’alor! VENGEANCE!” she dashed forth to attack, as did the Brutish Troll. The Elf performed a cleave, though the Troll jumped over it, proceeding to leap and crash down on the ranger. Elven Agility was overpowered by Troll might. She was pinned down, groaning in pain. The Troll cackled, and took his warhorn “Let all da Warriors of Jintha’Alor see who be ma prize today!” and right after, he blew into the Horn, to summon all nearby Trolls to his Quarters. Meanwhile signs of weakness and began to appear in the poisoned warlord. It seemed he was slowly trembling.

Snarling, the Elf brandished the sharp, metal talons of her gauntlets “You WISH, I vowed to not leave without you maimed!” she said, as she clawed at the knees of the Troll, ripping them apart! Crying in pain, the Troll stumbled, getting off the Elf and fell down, dropping his axes. As the Fury of Quel’thalas coursed through the Ranger, she rose, and picked the very axes of the Berserker, stomping on his chest. “DEATH comes for all of your kind!” she roared out, raising the axes high. The Troll lied down defenseless, crippled due to the poison earlier, bleeding. The Ranger swung the axes down at the head of the Troll, yelling in Thalassian “BIN DOREI, AM’OVEL!”, and plunges them deep into his large face, ending his cursed life. Despite the difficulty of the challenge, the Elven Ranger came out triumphant.

As the Huntress ended her prey, a weak voice called out for aid from a cage near the wall: “Dal’dorah… Help me.” said a barely living Elf, a survivour. She rushed towards him, breaking the cage. He was an Elf she knew of. The injured elf said “They killed us all…”. There was no time to converse though. She hauled him up her shoulder and moved. In meanwhile her ears twitched, noises and stomps of marching Vilebranch could’ve been heard now, who were invited by the horn of the Warlord, they were coming in great numbers. There was only one option for her to do at that moment, with her injured state while carrying a kinsman barely clinging to life:



I kneel down at the power of this story…


Thank you! I am glad you like it. :slight_smile:


epic gamers and rpers here, simple as


we kiss em goodnight


We’re enjoying our time in Desolace and the epic campaign we are on. Among Flame and Stone, what will triumph in the end? We’ll find out.

You too, should consider becoming a Grim Gangster sometime. :smiling_imp:


Join the gangsters or they will steal your clothes


This night the Grim Gest returns to Lordaeron.
The hellish flames of fiery elemental rage have been quenched by the many banners who rallied against the Loyalists, defending Desolace. Still, the soldiers of Sylvarus leave elven glades charred and scarred. The souls of those fallen in the battles were stolen… their strife continues.
They march on – to the stars and beyond.



Whispers among the common folk, tattle amongst the noblemen:
Once a dreaded penal unit, a monstrous side arm of the military, host to a many veteran soldiers of the Thalassian and Forsaken people, now an underground death squad that vowed loyalty to even more mysterious forces than Sylvanas Windrunner.




I love my guild and all my homies in it



Part of the GAAANG part of the Grim Gang


Morsteth died from a gluten overdose IC 27 years ago. It was removed from the records to keep the Grim Gest’s image clear.

Good guild, by the way, everyone should RP with them. Pretty based. :flushed:


ATM in Caer Darrow making Argents nervous how are you doing bro