Pearly/Shadowsong, 120 DH Havoc 400+ iLvl LFG

Hi, for some reason I can’t select my other character (Pearly) here on the forums.

I am on Shadowsong and I came back to WoW after like 10 years (last played in 2009). I was a raider back in the days (WoLTK and Cata).

I like social guilds where people actually talk.

I have now been in 3 guilds, all dead because of classic. There is practically nobody online anymore. (I play classic too but only a bit).

I have a lot of stuff to do in azerot (and Panda, Draenor and Legion), my first 120 with stuff to do and learn. I just did my first mythic ever. :slight_smile:

I am a good player, I play a lot and strive to be better and always help other people if I just can.

I am on Shadowsong, name is Pearly.

Please contact me if you want. Would be nice if you also have discord or other means of communication outside of the game.