Transfer Aborted: instance not found (Not only Peerblock related)

Transfer Aborted: instance not found
Yesterday I got this message when using the portal from Orgrimmar to Uldum. Uldum loaded and opened fine, but it was as if it didn’t want to load the ongoing assault.
Today, the assault loaded but it says “Transfer Aborted: instance not found” if I try to enter the minor vision, or the Nyalotha raid. Got kicked from a raid because they thought it was on my end which it obviously isn’t. I saw a demon hunter who couldn’t enter the minor vision either.
Any help or fix for this?

EDIT: The problem persists today. I just tried to do my weekly 3 islands, only to find out I wasn’t able to enter the island. Transfer Aborted: instance not found.

EDIT 2: It seems the problem was caused by some of Blizzard’s servers being blocked by Peerblock. It has never ever happened before but the following IP addresses were the ones blocked so far:

(Edited to IP ranges where I could, to make it a bit easier) - - “General Electric Company” - - “DoD Network Information Center” - - “E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc” - - “Amazon EC2” - - “Amazon EC2” - - “Amazon EC2 Ireland”

It would be nice if Blizzard published a full “safe-list” with all their IP addresses for us who use Peerblock. Iblocklist is dead since years ago so they don’t update theirs anymore.

Some may call it placebo to use Peerblock but it’s saved me from quite a lot of hacks and malware over the years.

EDIT 3: Lots of people both in the game and here in this thread have told me they have the same thing happening without using Peerblock. Explain what is going on, Blizzard, instead of making this thread look like it’s only Peerblock causing it. Fix your game, we pay for it.


For the past three days I haven’t been able to use the portal to Orgrimmar. “Transfer aborted: instance not found” bullsh*t was driving me insane!!
Thanks for the heads up about PeerBlock Arnathon, I figured, as a temporarily solution, to disable PeerBlock before using a portal and enable it again after seems to do the trick.
Never had this issue before except these last days, damn them to hell whoever is responsible, DAMN THEM!! :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Well my only guess is Blizzard has added more servers and own more IP ranges that were previously blocked by Peerblock for various bad reasons. It would be nice to have a new, full “allow-list” for Blizzard.

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I’m experiencing the same problem right now and I don’t use this PeerBlock. Not sure what else can be causing this…


Really weird. Any firewall software that could be blocking WoW? I keep updating my list of IP’s as they appear by the way.

EDIT: This morning when zoning into Freehold, it got blocked with the IP ( showing as “US Government Blacklist” in my Peerblock. Makes me wonder what’s really going on here. Either the lists are so old and Blizz just owns way more IP ranges or we’re getting spied on!

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hey me and couple of my friends (same country) are having issues with entering instances , its weird sometimes when we switch party leader we are able to enter the dungeon like if we swap party lead from kazzak to twisting nether we can enter, sometimes we have to use VPN to enter the dungeon, sometimes it just gets stuck and nothing works… please help, or any update from blizzard blue would be appreciated.

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This is still happening now, happened to me while trying to complete islands and now all im trying to do is get my rogues assault done but i cant because it will disconnect me or stay in a loading screen where the bar doesnt move at all for a full 5 minutes and then takes me back with “Transfer Aborted: instance not found”

So annoying

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Yep still happening, been going on for days now, on several characters and several different realms and factions.

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Whenever I try to log on I keep getting TCP spam from Halliburton Company source: This either makes my game stuck on loading screen or disconnects me from the game. This stops whenever I exit the game.
Makes me wonder why is this company related to Blizzard/WoW… not suspicious at all. :roll_eyes: :unamused:
Why so nosy Blizzard?

EDIT: Here’s another TPC spam:
E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.,Inc

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For the past week i’ve been experiencing an issue with regards to loading into zones/dungeons. This seems to affect BFA content for the most part (from what I have noticed). The first time around this happened (which was over a week ago), we were on the way to a low M+ key, where I then could not load into Atal’Dazar (much like the screenshot attached). We had to then disband the party, since I couldn’t get booted from the instance. Once the party was then disbanded, it threw an error in the chat log. “Transfer Aborted: Instance not Found”.

Some issues I thought semi resolved the problem included not being the leader of the party or being the person that actually enters the dungeon. However, this was not the case in the past few days. The issue of not being able to create an instance started expanding toward some of the zones as well (For instance clearing an Assault in Uldum/Vale) and hearthing back to Zuldazar, causes my screen to hang for about 2-3 minutes before booting me back into the zone I came from.

I’ve not seen a single reply, and have taken all the guidelines as to try and fix the issue. This has included deleting caches, WTF’s, Interfaces, disabling addons, deleting caches, repairing/fixing the game to no avail.

This seems to happen inconsistently, but is extremely frustrating. As you get kicked from groups when you don’t come back within a certain time frame. Which causes even more frustration. A few days ago we attempted to do a guild mythic+ run, and it took me 30 minutes to get into the dungeon.



update: after losing few arena matches and getting kicked from dungeons I started using VPN, 50-60 more ms on my regular 100 ms but everything seems working correctly at least… there’s got to be a problem on blizzard’s end, specially if they added new servers or rent new ones… its a new problem like 2 weeks old or something. please someone from blues look into this problem. its been very annoying and frustating and its happening to quite some number of players regularly…


So far I’ve encountered IPs of these ranges, and here I added the names of the companies as listed by Peerblock.

(Remember, it’s been many years since the Peerblock lists were updated, these companies could’ve changed and the IP ranges seems to be used by Blizzard now since we’re connecting to them while in the game.) - - “General Electric Company” - - “DoD Network Information Center” - - “E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc” - - “Amazon EC2” - - “Amazon EC2” - - “Amazon EC2 Ireland”

It makes me sad to see this is happening to people not even using Peerblock. That means the problem is bigger and we need to know what’s going on.

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Hello! This software is sadly outside of the scope of assistance that we can provide. Please contact the service that you’re using for correction.

Hello, Any updates on this? or any solution other than using VPN? screen loadings are driving me crazy and it happens very often to me.

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I don’t see why Blizzard’s reply would be any different: if you have problems with the third party software you need to contact developers of the said software as Blizzard does not support it.

Or stop using the software in question.

Maybe you missed that even people without any additional software are experiencing the same problem, from last couple of posts in support it looks like Blizzard is not even reading tickets and posts carefully, they just CTRL + V generic answer, the same for any kind of problem.


Thread was about PeerBlock so if people have other problems they should make their own threads rather than filling unrelated threads.

For me, Peerblock was causing it but Blizzard should really take things seriously when it even happens to people without any such software. I posted the IP ranges and addresses because maybe they’ll help someone fix it on their end, or help Blizzard identify what’s wrong.

Thank you Grelier for your unwanted and pointless option in this mater or anything in general really, I’ll cherish it deeply next time I flush the toilet.
As for Rejuvithron… :roll_eyes: :woman_facepalming:t2: