World Server is down - Instance not found

so yeah, it’s been about a week since stuff like this is happening. even if you manage to get past “world server is down” and actually log in you have to deal with instance not found thing later on.

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Are you using some kind of IP blocker? WoW is now using Amazon AWS, so no guaranteed native IP adresses for servers anymore.

Having the same issues here. Haven’t been able to enter Uldum through the portal in Orgrimmar the entire day.

Having the same issues :yawning_face: EU-Draenor

So I decided to fly to Uldum from orgrimmar since the portal wasn’t working and now I’m fully stuck in 1thousand needles somewhere in the air. My character won’t do anything and I can’t HS out either. It keeps saying “Transfer Aborted, Instance not found” once every few minutes.

Blockquote Are you using some kind of IP blocker? WoW is now using Amazon AWS, so no guaranteed native IP adresses for servers anymore.

yes im pretty sure. although i tried using vpn to see if things get better but it really doesn’t matter.

Hello folks!

Please run through this guide to see if your situation improves:

If you’re using something like PeerBlock, please see Transfer Aborted: instance not found (Not only Peerblock related) - #13 by Rejuvithorn-2648