People against LFD don't really play the game

What about them? You’re the one trying to tell me that i don’t like WoTLK if I don’t like your game breaking feature; most of everything that you’ve listed there is barely memorable.

Blizzard altered Classic and TBCC in a way that they feel makes the game better or more playable, a way that encourages future growth. They’ve deemed RDF as detrimental to the game’s health as a whole; and I agree. Cataclysm would have been better had WoTLK not added the RDF.

If we get RDF, the game ends with WoTLK once again. If we don’t, Blizzard have grounds to continue with future expansions within the Classic style or alternatively, even continue with Classic+.

If you want your precious RDF so badly, go play a time-limitted pirate server.

Not necessarily RDF but something that’s preventing the need to spam 85 minutes for a tank.

Potential advantage of chat-based LFD is that I can look for an activity for my alt, or even multiple at once. Right now I can monitor dungeons for my mains.

I hope the WLK UI allows that.
Also the “tanking incentive” bag.

I said the exact same thing that Classic players in 2019 told us
“If you want RDF you don’t like Classic, this game isn’t for you, go back to retail or wait Wotlk”

I said exactly the same thing to Classic players in 2019
“If you want the real authentic experience go back to pserv”

They just said “No, pserv are bad”

Ok :slight_smile:
So Classic players are always right and everything other say is wrong :slight_smile:

The new LFG tool ?

You won’t even think about RDF anymore in P1/P2 because it’s gonna be easy to find groups.

I said almost the same thing, I didn’t mention WoTLK because Blizzard had already stated they were on the fense about RDF in WoTLK.

Or perhaps you’re just wrong? Have you ever considered that? Seriously, take a good look at your post history and then confidently tell me that those posts were all written by a rational thinker.

All anti-RDF arguments are outdated - WoW Classic / Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

And don’t tell my i’m wrong and not rational while all Classic players was dreaming and they get disapointing and making post on the forum like “I don’t remember that in Vanilla” “The game as changed” “Players have changed” etc

Your thread is a waste of time and doesn’t address a single thing that I’ve said to you.

Your entire premise here is “But the other guy!”. You really call that an argument?

It’s also completely wrong. We in Classic had to accept changes, you do too.

This is your entire post summed up. And it’s wrong.

I don’t think I deserve anything other than having fun for paying for a game.

Sitting in chat spamming for hours isn’t fun to me so I log out. It’s really that simple.

The rest of your drivel I don’t frankly give a flying toss about cause as you said, Firemaw.

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How does less heroics being done help keep any tier relevant? Walk me through this?

Translation of this post: “Sod off till prepatch, you’re beneath me, for I am Sandy, troll priest who did MUH DUES IN DA VIDYAGAEM”

maybe read all the other replies.

Kinda, but you have to be queued in the tool to be able to see LFG chat. And on any reasonably sized modern server it’s going to need LFG Bulletin, just like now.

Should note that the tanking incentive bag wasn’t a thing in WotLK.

The rewards were strictly replacing the daily dungeon/heroics and adding low level goodie bags to incentivise people to do low level dungeons (as in pre Northrend).

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I did, it’s not explained.

How do 5 mans that don’t change throughout the expansion help keep new content relevant for longer?

i have explained it.

Okay, point me to it cause I clearly missed it.

What a load of BS. During wrath, levelling through Vanilla content on the biggest servers, there were very few people throughout the day in zones. You’d be lucky if you had maybe 7 people in a zone. The older the game got, the worse this also got. Which is the reason why they added CRZ because every zone was empty. Without RDF people would simply not be getting into groups much, even moreso for people who played during nighttime. But hey, screw them right? Who cares about anyone else being able to have fun as long as you can find groups for endgame.

Such lovely, “social” people some of the anti-RDF crowd are. Everyone has to play the game as they dictate or else you can just leave the game.

And also LOL at

It couldn’t possible be about there being too many DPS classes, people not wanting offmeta specs, playing during nighttime etc etc. No, it has got to be the attitude.


Blizzard revamped the world with Cataclysm, the world was still empty because it was more efficient to AFK in a town and spam RDF. CRZ wasn’t a thing until MoP.

All the aggression on this board has come from the pro-RDF side.

RDF doesn’t stop that.

“Offmeta specs” in WoTLK? There aren’t any. Good luck convincing people that your magic-poison meme rogue spec is viable, but actual specs are all fine.

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Ye, that’s bs again. People who would sit in town waiting for a dungeon to pop were a minority of levellers. Fact is, less and less people were levelling, the same thing was already happening in original TBC. When I levelled during BT for example, vanilla zones were mostly empty. The same thing when I was levelling when TBC came out.

I never said it wasn’t, I said CRZ was added because the zones got more empty. But I probably could have worded it better.

Ah yes, the non agression of the lovely and social “go back to retail” / “then quit” people.

True, but it did make it easier to find groups. With all these people levelling on megaservers, you can’t even find a group during the night most of the times. Screw them then?

Alot of people still think that way unfortunately. Once it’s on people’s minds that certain specs sucked in Vanilla and TBC, it tends to stay there. The same is true for Retail, feral comes to mind.

Look, I don’t have a problem with LFG and the new one, or making groups myself. But I’m not blind to the problems it also has, such as playing during offtimes. And like I said, finding groups for Vanilla content will become increasingly harder and harder.


No, it isn’t. Blizzard outright admitted that they wasted too many of Cataclysm’s resources revamping the world when nobody really cared for it, dungeon running was more efficient; even if you queued as DPS.

No, they weren’t. Still aren’t.

You probably could have, because saying the zones were more and more empty simply backs up what I was saying; that dungeon grinding through the overpowered RDF system was more efficient.

Still better than some of the arguments I’ve had directed towards me. Look at the title of this thread for example; I have 115 days played on my Classic Warrior, yet some “FRESH” bandwagon jumpers have the nerve to say I don’t play.

Dungeon boosting has only recently been nerfed, the world and low level dungeons were empty because of that; boosting was very efficient.

Funny that Blizzard finally rid us of one power-levelling, world-emptying tool and yet people seem to want another.

It becomes incresingly harder for a multitude of reasons. The strength of heirlooms is one; back in OG WOTLK my friend and I used to two-man the low level dungeons whilst levelling. That became harder as we got to the 40s, but it was easy as anything prio to that.

Time will tell how things go. Take whichever stance you want, but Classic ends with the dungeon finder; you all know that. No more future Classic expansions, no Classic+. Just fresh restarts when Blizzard are low on money.

Citation please.

The people I saw doing that I could probably have counted on one hand. But it might have been more popular than I’ve witnessed. Fact remains that there were less and less levellers overal.

That’s an assumption. The fact, and I’ve said it before, there were simply less and less players levelling. Going to shadowlands, it’s actually quite sad how many people are levelling from 1-50. As time went on, the amount of people levelling simply decreased. As I said before, when I was levelling through vanilla content, the world was already empty. And TBC didn’t have RDF. What RDF does though is make sure old content can be done at any time of the day.

It’s not fun when you can’t find groups because you play during night-time or on low pop servers. Guilds and friends don’t really change that, unless everyone plays at the same time.

It’s fair to say that both sides of the arguement can be the same, myself included sometimes. For example, I despise twinks, not so much for the 1 shots, but the constant terrain exploiting. It pisses me off and I can then be rude towards them in my posts. Or people who tell me I should play retail or quit the game. Sometimes coming from people who didn’t even play the game back then, I tend to not reply very nicely as well.

This was after the nerfs with many people levelling in zones. Still a portion of those who want to do dungeons, but I could find groups for or make them myself. During night-time I couldn’t even find a 3rd person for SMGY. The amount of people levelling now in vanilla zones will be dramatically lower once wotlk hits.

Personally I hope that we won’t get Cata. So I’m fine with that. The cool thing about classic for me is the old zones.

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