People are so desperate for loot when they dont deserve it

I was trying today to queue for first 2 raid bosses on mythic and guess where the players who cannot complete a +10 for Myth gear is going now, in the Mythic Raid.

A lot of clueless 3/8H players who are so desperate for Myth piece of gear. They saw that +10 is impossible for them because they are too lazy to improve a bit and view some guides. They didnt even kill Princess and Ovinax on HC and they come to Mythic Raid thinking that: “Okay maybe if we are 20 nobody will notice I am bad and i will get pass by”.

Well guess what, when half raid is filled with this type of players, things are going really bad. I had to switch 4-5 groups in order to find a good one to take the first Mythic Raid kill. Doing 500-600K DPS and dying to every thing on the ground is a no no to Mythic Raid.

Please stop being entitled to loot and do the progression linear. First go to kill at least 7/8HC and do some keys on 10 before coming into the Mythic.
The Myth piece of gear wont help you much in clearing 6 keys and doing normal raid.

Do you blame people though? That’s the game design.

Why should people do M0 and grind valor + crests… When they can just try and do +2 instead?

Why would someone start at +2 when +3 gives hero gear in vault?

The game pushes you to either do a dull farm to upgrade your gear pieces or… You just do 1 higher level and you get the next track. Is it bad for the overall gameplay? For sure. I’ve had many people with high ilvl join my keys without knowing anything, as they probably did other content, usually ends in a depleted key or disbanded group. But as long as the game incentivizes gearing like this, it will always happen.

I’m glad that they at least changed PVP gearing so you no longer need to upgrade your pvp gear and be a certain rating… Then people can just play non-ranked and still end up fully geared etc. etc.

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I never get why people are so surprised by this, do you even IRL? This is how the bulk of people behave in most situations.

They want to get everything while doing nothing.

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