People asking to trade gold from Cata to SOD

I have noticed the occasional advert asking for Cata gold in exchange for SOD gold

Does anyone know if this is legit or scammers?

I tried Cata out for a couple weeks when It first came out but couldn’t get into it, I made a few thousand gold fishing from those fire pools when the prices where high

Being broke on SOD and having gold sitting on a toon not doing anything its tempting

Not sure what the exchange ratio is

This is considered an unsupported transaction, meaning at your own risk.

There have been cases of goldsellers trading illegal gold for “legal” gold therefore laundering it and getting such players banned.

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Yeah that was my thoughts, might be dodgy

I have seen some offer their gold first and on level 60 characters rather than level 1’s

But noticed some people have been getting flagged for large gold transfers, couple thousand gold might set an alarm bell off.

I though they might be trying to get rid of all their sod gold before the season ends (not sure if we loose it all unless toons are transfers to normal classic server at end )

Some quitting players from my guild did this. SoD has an expiration date, a followup is unlikely, and if anything else happens it’ll be with new chars. No reason not to get the value you can when quitting.

The flip side of the seasonal game mode is in 6-7 months when it’s all over all our effort is going straight in the toilet. Even if the chars are saved on era, their gear or their spec’s viability won’t be.

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a few thousand in cata would get you roughly 50g in sod so no point even looking into it if you dont have tons of gold to trade

also safest way is look into your realms discord server, they should have a section for it

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My advice is don’t trade with a guy that want any kind of gold on any server because most likely they are involved in some shady business that can get you banned.
Go to a discord specialized for gold trading between players (they have a reputation system so you know if the person you wanna trade with is legit) and pick someone who wants to trade from one server to another. It’s fairly easy to find and at least you lessen the risk. I did it a couple of time when I stopped retail for SoD and didn’t want my gold to go to waste and again after trying out cataclysm. Had no issue so far.

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Cheers for the advice, think I’ll play it safe and stay a poor gnome

They did such bans in start of p2, you could get ban even for buying some expencive boe for big amount of gold (my theory is that you could get ban for any trade with botted gold or gold from stolen accounts), but this ban system was totally broken (because botted gold can be anywhere and you can’t know is it botted/stolen or not) and looks like blizzard later disabled it (at least i didnt see any complains about bans for this reason after p2), so now its safe even if gold is “illegal”, 99% that you won’t be banned.

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I mean, there’s a huge drop off in player numbers after BWL and since SOD has an expiration date, my idea is simple. Once im well into BWL (I already have consumes for months in advance) I’ll just migrate all my gold to Cata or Retail and store it on a live server and then, once we get a Classic + (copium, i know), I’ll get the gold from Cata or Retail to Classic +

Only issue is, I truly don’t care about Cata or Retail so I don’t know how to use the cash to make more cash in the meantime