People don't get why Voidforging>Titanforging

Corruption system looks miles better than tf. Firstly higher ilvl comes from harder content, no more lucky noobs. Secondly it will tune down ilvl inflation.

seems better right? But it’s the same thing with the same problems, all it does is not change the ilvl, but the power gain and total randomness with multiple layers of rng is still there and arguably in a worse way. Sure your ilvl will be the ilvl of content you do, sure you can more easily trade things with guildies, but everything else is still very bad and not what a lot of people that didn’t like tf/wf wanted imo.

Nope,its still rng on rng on rng and overal worse version of titanforge.
At MOST we should have warforge +5/6 ilvls at most,(i think its fine for a long last tier and isnt on weapons )

just let gear be gear

Blizz don’t seem to like that system for some reason. Because everyone had access to exactly the same upgrades. No disappointment with loot.


To behonest they should just remove any kinda of void/titan forging its a trash rng mechanic on a rng mechanic. It meant to keep you doing the same content a 100 over.

Is it time to storm barricades for Liberte Egalite Fraternite, mon general?


And what about pvp items?

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only time rng on gear should be is the +6 warforge (and not on weapons)
during a long last tier,like hfc/icc/soo.


I got Azshara’s staff last raid. BiS. Waforged +5 ilvls. My thought? “It’s cool, but… I wish it was +20 ilvls.”

Let me paraphrase warforging: on the occasions the item you want drops, there is a 10% chance of getting the “regular” quality. 90% of the time, the item will be inferior by a factor of 5-25 ilvls, and it may lose it’s socket.

Forging poisons the enjoyment of a good drop, changing it from “wooo! I will keep this forevaaaahhh!” to “it’ll do for now, and maybe I’ll get a better forge next time”. You can never be happy because there is always the chance of a better one.

And I’m sure there are those who will tell me that’s all about your mindset. Yes. Yes it is. But given the amount of people dissatisfied with forging, I refuse to be told that it’s an abnormal way to feel. A lot of players find this aggravating.

(Side note; I would much favour a forging system that allowed me to invest, say, mana pearls, or aqueous reliquaries, into any item at all and boost it’s ilvl. I don’t care if it takes 2 weeks for every 5 ilvls. That’s fine. Let me choose the forge I want the most and target it. If it takes me 3 months to get my regular heroic drop to ilvl 455, that’s ok. I just want to know that I totally absolutely definitely can get it there.)


sounds very nice :slight_smile: can someone voidforge my MoP/WoD demolock and bring it back now thanks :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


what you don’t seem to understand is that voidforging is much worse than titanforging tbf.

now, not only you need to drop the right item, hoping for it to “forge”,
you also need to hope it has the right corrupt bonus among many possible ones,
and also a low random corruption value.

also having to mix and swap pieces of gear in order to keep your corrupt level below certain thresholds, you also will hoard a lot of pieces to swap later on when you will have a higher corruption resistance level, or according to the different bonuses, for different encounters.

basically we have much more rng, and we’ll have to hoard a lot more gear in our inventory/bank.

also if you cleanse an item, after a month when you’ll have a much higher corruption resistance and you could have equipped it, you will feel bad for having purged it a month earlier in order to use it immediately.

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If this is true, Blizzard is just making the game worse and worse.
‘‘You have to do the very last PvE endgame content to get the best loot or screw you’’.
It was already like this but by -5 guaranted ilvl (Mythic raid compared to Weekly Chest). It was quite fair and not a real issue. (PvP being the only people that got the middle finger before, which had to be solved).
They just made it worse by letting that crappy Voidforge ideia into raid only, assuming it’s true, that is.

Or when I kill new boss 1st time, get 1st cloak I do not need and cannot trade… and people go - “its ok, next time” and our 2nd kill I get exact same cloak with max proc and all the other fancy that come with a cloak and still cannot trade and I have bundle of casters stare me “why oh why” while even base line item would have been upgrade for them. And there I have 2 exact cloaks I dont want and cannot disenchant since I am an engineer !

oeh personal loot+titanforging+non trade based on ilevel in general make my head spin.

life was simpler on old days. Before mists of pandaria and its thunderforged items.

to both of you

how is it any different.

with corrupted your thought will be "meh i got hc raid staff with +2% verstatility and 25 corruption - what a garbage when i need staff with +5% critical dmg and preferably 10 corruption "

how will this be different this time if both of you know 1st is absolute sh…t and 2nd is bis stronger then 15 itlv higher mythic staff and you wont replace it untill you get same staff but with bis trait on mythic - which could be … never because you are rolling dice with 1/11 chance (if not higher if they add more bonuses - so each staff dropping will be complete dissapointment.

or mythic raid staff drops - oh it has 4% versatility but 40 corruption - lets instantly disenchant it - blizz why loot is so disspointing eh ?

how is it any different?

The real problem with this system are the multiple layers of random rolls.
At the moment it looks like this:

1.Roll: Is your item corrupted
2.Roll: How high is the tier of corruption (there seems to be 3 at the moment)
3.Roll: How high is the corruption (there is a certain range for every tier)
4.Roll: Which bonus do you get

That is by far more rng as with wf/tf.
Of course you will not see some lfr casual raiders with 485 tf items in 8.3.
But this changes nothing at all, because certain corrupted gear buffs are far to strong. Some of them will easily outweight ~50 ilvls. So yeah no more high ilvl for casuals, but the items will be as good or even better as their tf counterparts. The only change is that it will be extremly hard if not impossible to get this one item with tier 3 corruption, +20 corruption (minimal roll) and the right bonus for your specc.

But it is PTR, hopefully there will be some adjustments.

I’ll just quote myself from the PTR forum:

These downside effects seem way too punishing for tanks. A chance to slow on the first tier of corruption? Death Knights are already as slow as it gets. This is going to be an issue if it is badly timed during the boss encounter or during a nasty M+ pack pull.

Tier two is the void zone under my feet? Coupled with the slow and the fact that tanks usually need to keep the boss stationary and on one spot for some time before moving, this will potentially be a nightmare, unless the radius of the void zone is small.

These two effects are going to be quite detrimental and tedious for tanks in both raids and M+, as positioning is the key for tanks.

Aside from the negative effects, this is, I’m sorry to say, RNG overload. So now instead of TF and random sockets, we have to:

Get the item we want to drop.
Have it be corrupted.
Have it have the right beneficial effect on the corruption.
Have it have the highest tier of beneficial effect, aka tier 3.
Have it proc a socket.
So in the end, this is even more RNG than the previous system, along with negative effects added.

And on top of it all, we have to grind time-gate content to upgrade some cloak in order to reduce the corruption level enough for us to actually be able to equip these items without gimping ourselves. What happened to “Loot drops, equip immediately” philosophy? Because this kind of goes against that. Now if the item procs with too high corruption, even if I think is BiS, I’ll have to either keep it in my bag until I grind enough corruption resistance to be able to equip it, or I go to purify it and possibly never see it drop again with that exact effect and tier. This is incredibly punishing and frustrating.

I’m sorry, but this system, while incredibly thematic and appropriate for the patch theme on paper, is extremely tedious, unfun and grindy to the point that it really will drive a lot of players mad from frustration.

Please scrap it or rework it completely. I know it’s just for this patch, but we’re talking about at least ten months of having to put up with this garbage.

That’s kind of the point, it’s literally the same thing, well they don’t work the same way but have the same result and negatives. Honestly took me some time to realize it too.

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I dunno. Not expecting this to be a popular opinion, but I found Titanforging to be useful in the aspect that it gave me more of a chance of getting high ilvl versions of gear with the azerite traits I wanted.

I’m not someone chasing progression so it’s not a huge concern of mine, but it really sucks for me to be stuck with one or two bits of gear that is ~40 ilvls lower just because the azerite traits I want don’t come from the gear that drops from bosses or from the residuum vendor.

When I was playing more actively prior to 8.2, I was stuck with a 325 blue chest for ageeees because there wasn’t another chest with both Permeating Glow and Resounding Protection (which I wanted, regardless of whether it was BiS). Titanforging was the only way I got a higher ilvl one of those, and I can see why it could be the same way for many other players

Really, If the Azerite perks were more flexible I would have been totally fine with removing titanforging. That’s just my take though.

I sometimes like t think back to Wrath when we had fixed sockets and always knew where we could get what gear… (some of the secondary stats sucked … yeah agreed ) and if we got it we were done no more doing more and more of the same contentn over and over again. Back then it was not so bad if you had a few days where you were not on…

I would rather have augmentation on gear (like sockets) than all this rng stuff (I wanted to use another word here…). I do not want to spend fing HOURS on external web sites to find out what gear /essences / what ever I should use.

Wrath was not perfect mind you, but far better for my peace of mind … I hate rng… it’s not fun… or “Exciting”