People don't get why Voidforging>Titanforging

The only items that can be Voidforged are raid items, that solves the problem of noobs getting a 415ilv world quest item titanforging into a 440-450 while you bust your as$ doing hard content for the same ilv. You can also cleanse the corruption off of an item if you think what proced sucks. Also the idea of corrupted gear and needing to manage it sounds VERY RPG to me and i like it.


I hate the idea myself but we work with what we’re given.

It’s overly complicating a system that really doesn’t need it. I also hate gear that kills you. I had the trinket that did that and it wasn’t fun but it was my bis so I used it.

Re-forging had to go because people didn’t feel they could use items right away and would leave mid raid to do them was the excuse we were given. So then we had relics in Legion which people would want to leave mid raid for to see if it was any good/put on their weapon. Now we are going to have that again.

This system is more RNG, one of the things people dislike about TF/WF is RNG.

Personally I couldn’t care less that someone does LFR and gets a super titanforge which is rare, I care that when I raid not getting a TF feels disappointing. When you and someone else have taken part in exactly the same fight and one of you gets a reward much better than the other, it feels disappointing. I liked the days when we had static rewards and bis stuff to work towards.

This new system is not making me feel ooh goodie. The only blue post I’ve thought oh goodie about is, that it’s short term and only for season 4.


It’s a first step into making rewards at least more rewarding from harder content you’re doing aka finally reaching a goal.
corruptforging is still a pretty bad idea though.

Let’s hope it’s just for this patch and next expac we’ll see a return of oldschool gearing aka no tf no wf just being able to get the best gear possible by doing the hardest content possible.


If I understand it right, the whole Heart Forge busywork is made to remove the corruption as well as the bonus - that if you don’t like the bonus but the item is good, you can “untitanforge” it to be able to use it without being corrupted.

Wonder if we can reverse the process though - that I start out with a set of heroic gear where I have a nice balance of bonuses and managed corruption level, then get a mythic piece that will change the whole deal and I might want to “re-corrupt” an item? My guess is a no, which -again- makes reforging so much better in comparison.

Ppl will make a lot of golds by raid sell runs on the other hand m+ runs won’t be desired anymore.

but people getting good gear from world quests 1 time in all of their lives, because high titanforges are very rare, aren’t the problem, the problem is that the low rolls aren’t that rare and they let you skip a lot of progress because you get luck with sockets or forges. This seems better rn because they seem like they’ll limit the amount of pieces you can get, still no way to counter the rng (which is the main thing people don’t like), like a corrupted vendor, but it seems slightly better at least.

Edit: kind of changed my mind, it’s literally the same thing with a tad more rng and a mean to downgrade your gear, but instead of rolling ilvl you roll affixes and how good they are. WTF how can you GET what we don’t like about the system, as they seem to have showed in the blue post about this gear, but still not provide the solution all the people that didn’t like tf/wf wanted. It’s just more time on raidbots and headache from trying to keep the corruption low rn. this sucks, make gear normal already, i’m tired of simming everything everytime and this won’t solve even that problem jesus you developers frustrate me sometime.

Sounds like all these kind of marketing tactics like introducing a new (overpowered) class and pretending it’s a success because lots of players are playing it.

it doesn’t matter if “noobs” get a TF on an item because thatll probably be their only 440 (does tf even go that high … I remember a 430 but that’s it) they’ll ever get … where a mythic raider will get em every week. 1 slot does not make you a contender for mythic raiding.
corrupted gear will just end up with lots of dead tanks/dps and healers getting the blame cos the idiots stacked so much corruption. Can you see corruption levels before inviting someone to a grouping? I bet you cant.

Its a stupid idea and will end up with many grouchy players, blaming everyone else or just not caring if its actually them to blame.


What’s really stupid is dividing the community.
It only reduce the amount of players available for everyone. That’s pretty dumb for a mmo.

Y’all should stop listening to streamers spreading nonesense across their communities. It’s only testable for now on raid items because the whole loot acquisition isn’t testable on the PTR right now.

Blizzard said it would matter for every season 4 drop, even heroic darkshore warfront.

The drop rate is still unknown as the PTR items aren’t true drops, they only exist for the sake of testing the corrupted items


How is that not a success though?

Unpopular opinion here: people massively overreact to this because they have anger issues.

Legendary back will reduce corruption, so with time we can equip more and more.
That negative effects aren’t this bad. “OMG 1000% INCREASED DAMAGE TAKEN WTF BLIZZ” - anger issues :rage:
Good player can deal with negative effects (I never died as retri paladin on Ashvane mythic, I have my WoG, flash, 2 bubbles, health pot, health stone; yes, I consider myself as good player), it encourages to risk more to get more; high risk = high reward. In LoL there are so many champs with that system and I then bad players don’t pick them while good players make plays.

My only concern is that some of the procs will be worth 50 ilvls (crit damage for retri pala, sic!), so again: corrupted item from heroic will be stronger than “pure” item from mythic.

They both suck.

Bring back normal gearing and let people finish gearing out their characters in a timely manner so they can do something else.


Can’t say I’m excited about it. As a healer, I don’t want to have to mop up after people who are trying to figure out if they can handle the skill cap to manage more corruption. Feels like the whole group could be punished if one person doesn’t really possess the skill they think they do. On the other hand, people may be worried/pressured into using corruption that they could actually handle because they worry about the impact on others.

This is a necessary evil to rid us of the concept of titanforging. Next expansion blizzard can and hopefully will remove titanforging without as big of a backlash compared to when we didn’t have this in between mechanic.

At least I hope that’s what this is for.

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Not fan of this system.


I kind of like that we have to play around new rules once in a while, and find the most efficient path.

One more reason to continue to not playing Retail, more casino elements is terrible.

Not much change then.

This just adds more RNG on top of the existing RNG. I mean now you have like a 1% chance something will void-forge with the buff you want like extra damage on crit and then another 1% change to have little enough corruption on it so you can actually wear it without dying in a purple haze. I mean 2 items can void-forge with “10% extra damage on crit” but one has 15 corruption and the other 1 corruption. How is this better than titan-forging? With titan-forging you just had to get the titan-forged item. Now you have to get 2 tumblers to roll your way.

The current Benthic system is much better. All the items are the same level just like void-forged items and if it rolls “forged” it has a slot or avoidance stat or a speed stat. And you can upgrade them. Just make the Heroic and Mythic version able to upgrade further. Then Heroic people will have better gear than normal and Mythic people will have better gear than Heroic.

Honestly under the void-forge system I will cleanse any corrupted items I get and if they can’t be cleansed I will vendor them. The buffs are just not worth the de-buffs. The void corrupted zone = raiding with a loaded gun to your head and creeping death = raiding while infected with ebola. Picture this raid mechanic = all players need to stand in a specific spot not to get killed by some overpowered boss mechanic and then “SURPRISE!!!” void corrupted zone spawns beneath your feet that kills you in 5 - 8 sec. Sorry thank you for trying.