People don't get why Voidforging>Titanforging

its exackly the same implementation principle as with azerite gear.

you get a piece which has amazing potential - but you cannot use this piece untill you farm up X amount of artificialy created grind currency that will allow you to rip the benefits.

in this case its corruption resilence.

in azerite case it was X amount of ap needed for Y trait.

Not the same.

AP is grindable, and even if random drop (the specific item vendor has ludicrous prices so it’s out), azerite traits are predetermined, you can look forward to get what you need or get very close to.

This horridforging is totally random, you may never get the right item for your needs, or get it with such a huge malus to be unusable.

another bad system from the brain dead people who brought you BFA just put back in the upgrade system from mist i mean najatar gear is already using it sorta

That sounds awfully like having gems and sockets with many different stats and bonuses for the right colored gems. Who would think that would be a good idea? People customizing their gear in role playing games? What a joke.

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Disagree. I dislike that sort of mechanics, period.

That too.


And it’s not even the itemlevel. I don’t care if world questers get 450 ilvl gear who is best for world quests. Couldn’t care less. But I think having rng BiS items like benthics in this patch is very bad design and the new gear looks very rng heavy also.

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But people are still grinding BiS gear? Only now it has extra RNG added.

I seriously miss MoP/WoD gearing…

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Looks like working towards your bis will be even harder now with the so called benthic/voidforging lottery. Most of the time i think people overreact with the whole titanforging thing, so far on my main this raid tier i don’t have single titanforged item, but people make it looks like its common.
If only players could stop caring what others get…

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I don’t care to be honest, this abomination is worse than titanforge, at least titanforge didn’t have drawbacks.

This thing is like the worst of titanforged combined with drawbacks on your gear, like wtf blizzard?

Honestly, i don’t really care about noobs getting good gear because luck, because what makes me superior is mostly my skills, so it really doesn’t bother me much.

Although it does bother me when these noobs then complain about not getting invited into high level content, like wow, you don’t say?

You can’t even fully trust someone with a good m+ score, why should i trust some random nobody with 0 experience and good gear?

It’s forced. So this “success” does not really measure the enjoyment felt by the players nor their satisfaction.

good news everyone, no RNG with the Corruption Value

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That’s the least of MY worries.
Nope, I’m still in panic mode. This system is awful.

to be honest, in my opinion this system is Waaaaaaayyyy better than TF/WF
though it remains to be seen how it actually plays out

Cannot disagree more. It’s worse on ALL fronts.

Spoiler: Badly.

then we can agree to disagree

you don’t know that yet, because it is still PTR, a lot can still change

also you can lower the corruption with the new legendary cloak, so you always said, that you don’t mind working for an upgrade, now you do?

Yes THAT is true and a lot SHOULD change. Like… remove it completely and bring back TF. Or just an upgrade system.
The whole idea of corruption is horrible. It ruins any fun I might have had with looting.

At the moment this is the situation for me:

Popup: Your item upgraded.
Me: Oh cool, let me check what it procced.
After checking there’s 2 scenarios:
1: It wasn’t an upgrade, ah well nevermind. Maybe next time.
2: Yay an upgrade! Awesome possum!

The situation with corruption for me:

Popup: Your item upgraded.
Me: Ah crap, now I need to go to mr sparkly dwarf again to cleanse this horrible crap from my item.

How is that an improvement in ANY way?!

I don’t mind. BUT it’s not an upgrade imo… It’s trying to get rid of CRAP on my loot. There should not ever BE crap on my loot. That’s not cool. That’s not fun. It sucks big time to have crap on your loot.

Basically you have to work to get rid of crap. Screw. That.

Actually I think this system might be fun, like I said, how it turns out remains to be seen, nothing is for sure right now they might change some things, but I don’t mind working for even better gear

your mindset is the issue here
you think this way : “Item upgraded: Ah crap it has bad effects on it, which I could lower, but I don’t want to lower bad effects”
while you could think this way: “Item upgraded: Awesome I got a really and I mean really powerful affix on this Item (the affixes are really powerful in exchange for bad side effects also it fits the theme of the patch)… there is a downside to it, but I can lower said downside, so it is not that much of a problem”

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This should be the way you handle benthic bonuses, while you get a massive bonus it has a downside. Risk vs reward gameplay instead of a static: “No matter what it’s always an upgrade” like WF/TF and random sockets are. This was the reason 8.2 benthic bonuses failed in said department, the trinket effects didn’t lower the stats on said items like it did to items in the past. Which meant a 425 WQ benthic item being better than 455 socketed mythic item…

My mindset is that crap is crap. End of story.
I don’t want crap on my loot. Not now, not ever.

It’s such a ridiculous thing to even conceive that I really don’t understand how anyone in their right mind comes up with that.

“Hey you know what…”
“You know how players like loot?”
“Well, loot is for getting more powerful, right?”

Seriously… it’s just so stupid.
Not to mention… the godawful graphical effect they force on your character. Hell no. Not happening.

I seriously hate this system SO much it makes me want to bash my head into a wall because I don’t understand how Blizzard can think up something SO stupid. On ALL fronts… from the negative side effects to the ridiculous RNG to the horrible graphical effect forced on your character to the forced grind to make the system usable in any way shape or form. I… just… No.