People get mad about this when I say something but BGs shouldnt end after 30 seconds

Basically the first big fight happens and in most cases is extremely obvious who the winner is. So that’s it, you get 20-30 seconds of fighting at most then its a waiting game for 10-15 minutes with your thumb up the bum.

Stat profiles rather than gear would help and maybe add some macro-dynamics to influence the match like resources to collect or PvP based items (like league).


Imo it’s not over after losing first fight. There’s still ways to win. It’s just half the group turns into complete crybabies when losing the first fight. Hell some even rage and leave when just 30points behind in resources or something lol… I’ve won BG’s after being behind 1k points. Ive also won wsg’s because the stronger team was gy camping instead of running flags… Can’t even count the times Ive won a bg because 3 or 4 crybabies left at start after being behind and then some raidbosses join in their place and it’s ez win. They do need fix some things like give glaives more health so if lose fight at hangar you still have viable way of winning. But I think it’s mostly player mentality. No EZ win = leave for a lot of players… So yeah I’m blaming mostly players attitude for this although some bg’s could use some tuning. Not sure what you mean with stat profile instead of gear? You mean everyone just the same in a bg?


I agree mostly with Cárnage.
It’s not necessarily the loss of the opening fight that loses the match, but the attitude & resilience of the players after the loss.
It doesn’t help when your team scatters all over the map when the gates open (or take a tour around Wintergrasp before finally making their way to Sunken to find their team slaughtered by the time they get there). But unless you’re facing a queue-sync, most games are recoverable.

The first 30secs often kills me (& others) though in large team fights, when we drop to 0.3fps, securing that loss.


The amount of times i’ve called in for solutions and nobody responds to it, makes it clear that who ever moans deserves the absolute lose.


Had plenty of times when you get into Ashran and AA is up at the start.
Instead of 99% of the ppl going there instantly, you have 15 ppl running everywhere else or middle. Its quite fascinating in a sense.


it doesnt change what author says. Crybabies appear because they don’t really care trying and pushing further. In rated bgs such thing never happens because it’s losing rating at stake so teams are trying again and again despite the fact of losing first encounters. It’s whats losing at stake or rewarding system that decided if crybabies going to give up right after the first encounter or will try more because the result is really matters. In random bgs it’s easier and to give up and go next and to succumb to own emotions since there is not much to lose

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I mean you’re not wrong. Apart from the pugs you see very rarely that people leave during a match in a rated bg. Would love to see better rewards for random bg’s. But then people stick around till they have the rewards and after that it’s same mess… Regardless they should still offer better rewards it’s been long overdue for random bg’s. Would also love to see more punishments for leavers tbh. Leave a bg 3 times in an hour and get a 24 hour debuff that replaces the players titles with -is a coward- or something I dunno :joy: Just think it’s one those problems you can never completely fix as players will be players…

On one hand, need, but also it would probably just encourage all the premade degeneracy even more

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I never understood this mentality.
As if there was anything to be gained from writing defeatist messages and further demoralizing one’s own team, making a comeback even more unlikely. The effects of such a message are exclusively counterproductive and it is always better to remain silent instead.
I hate to see players like this in my team when I lead epic bgs and we are defeated in a fight.

Why not just keep playing to see if your team can make a comeback or alternatively, leave the round silently and make room for someone who wants to win?

How about account-wide deserter and a lock-out for BGs if you desert 3 times in one day?
They could also kill sync premades and nerf groups while they’re at it.


Well, yeah but at the same time you have maps like Ashran which can take 30mins-1h of a constant incredibly boring zerg fest on middle, thats not really fun

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That’s why I often go Solar, there are some nice fights there sometimes.

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I love when your team at IOC doesn’t have a hangar and the leave is massive…there are times when new people come in willing to fight and well organized, but that is 1% of the time.

But it is worse in wintergrasp as an attacker and you lose the team fight in sunken…disband and 20 minutes beaten by the defenders

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