So I really don’t understand why people decide to leave a M+ in progress, especially when everything is going well. IMO there should be a punishment for leaving without the rest of the team wanting to leave too.
We were all doing really well in a +3 Tol Dagor; had 2 bosses left to do and almost defeated Captain Valyri when the tank just decided to leave when we got wiped. We had about 12 minutes to spare, plenty of time to defeat the final boss.
Why this attitude? It puts me off playing when the end-game itself all depends on a one out of four other players not being an *** hole. It wastes so much time, everyone was waiting in the queue for about 25 mins, only for everyone’s effort to have gone down the drain.
These are the players that should be banned from M+ when their actions have a knock on affect for everyone else in the game. It’s not fair on anyone and unfortunately it’s behavior I see far too often (most of the time without a good reason to leave).
He probably left because you guys wiped in a +3. I don’t think there should be any punishment for leaving a pug group ever, because then that means that you can be held hostage by a group that’s doing really badly. Give players their own freedom in pug environments, and don’t take it away.
If you’re willing to suggest a system that won’t
Be abused
Take away player freedom
Use ridiculous amounts of Blizzard staff and time
then I’m willing to hear you out, but I don’t think there’s a reasonable solution if you take away those options. You can’t judge when a leave was justified or not. The only exception for this that I see is if the player tells everyone that they’re leaving just to screw the other people over.
If this is how it is then I’m going to quit WoW and play a more casual game. Ultimately everyone’s trying to have fun, and if people believe this is acceptable behavior then I’m afraid this game and community isn’t for me.
All it takes is for sometime to stick until the timer reaches 0, it’s not a big ask.
Global ignore list you can sort of use to filter people out slowly but surley if you start putting all the garbo people on ignore, eventually you’ll work it out that way. (yes this is an addon which extends the ignore list past 100)
I tend to do the bulk of my M+ with guildies and friends. I did have the misfortune of trying to help a friend do a few low keys on a newly dinged character and it was a horrendous experience. It can be a real struggle to do some low keys and not have people leave or have no idea what they are doing.
I would really recommend joining a community like calm keystones. I’ve only ever heard good things about them.