Per Wowhead doign WQ in TWW zones rewards reps with the factions. I am not getting any on any character

None. Is this normal?

If so then i will delete this thing. If we are supposed to get rep after each quest ive been getting none this whole time. I got rep from doing the story line quests only and am seemingly stuck at 9 or 10 with nothing moving forward at any great speed since the rep i do get is few and far between.

  • Completing Assembly of the Deeps World Quests as they spawn;

  • Killing rare mobs in the Ringing Deeps;

  • Completing questlines in the Ringing Deeps;

  • Gathering

  • Looting the Awakened Chests from completing multiple waves in the Awakening the Machine event.

The rares i could kill for rep are also in the multip0le millions of health variety so not olikely i will kill those on me own till 2 expansion from now.

Not every quest is supposed to give reputation. Story and side quests generally seem to give 500 rep after the segment or quest line is completed. I am not entirely sure how rep from WQs work.

9-10 seems fairly normal at this point unless you used DMF heavily and saved quests for it.

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