Vulpera on a crocodile? Sure… just needs the animation changed to be in front of the mount running away from it with arms flailing in the air, instead of riding on top of it
I would be wiling to pay money for that change to be applied to my account, but a glyph would be a better, more accessible solution
I understand that but we do have standards aswell and we did not want him in the first place. Like I said he was mailed to us by accident and I did not want it to come to this but if you do not take him back we will be forced to take legal actions.
Okay I have to give you that one…
Standing on the Vindicaar watching Azeroth is awesome
But that is just admiring good old Ancient Eredar ingenuity and superiority - it have nothing to do with the Alliance
There were no pappers, if someone signed them it wasn’t us and we certainly do not have a copy of the document. I just you run an internal investigation because forgery is a serious crime. Now please unless you want a 5th faction and a law suit, accept him back and we could settle this peacefully.
For some odd reason some of the vultures in game are birds of pray rather then vultures wich mean they are cunning pets and not ferocity. Wich means they don’t give you bl and life steal.
The red ones that are in tanaris are correctly signed as vultures tho.
Just should you decide to go with them. I think them and snakes are perfect pets for vulpera. They use vultures as flying mounts