Permaban due to abusive language - account lost forever?

I already did this exact same post on the US forums, and I doubt that anything different will be said here… but I will add some things that I have since discovered, at the end of this post:

So i’ll start this topic by saying, I am not at all making excuses for myself… i 100% used curse words and insulted people in this game, a lot of times, and i was suspended, a lot of times, for the same reason…I was just issued 3 days ago, a permanent ban for abusive language, on my EU wow account, that is over 10 years old… it’s where I have all my gold, mounts, tmogs, everything…

Everytime I appealed, i received negative responses/saved replies.

I am the 1st person to recognize I have no right to behave the way that I do, despite the problems that I may have on my personal and professional life… I already said all of this on the tickets i opened, but I do want to state it here for every1 to see. I understand CSR/GM’s in this game need to follow procedure/respect policies, but it is actualy a very hard pill to swallow, that there is no charitability given to me at all, in this situation. And that this is a suitable punishment… Meanwhile, people use racial slurs in call of duty lobbies everyday. Same company, 2 very different standards when it comes to this topic…

Somehow, people in this game abuse, spam, advertize, gatekeep, are just toxic as I am (without typing a single word in chat), and get away with it everyday, without being punished… and yet, my actions/behaviour are what GM’s choose to act on, because everybody loves to press the report button in this game, regardless if there is a actual reason for being reported… (and this is not a excuse btw, but I believe it’s a valid point for context). They claim the evidence is “carefuly reviewed”, but in the real world… i don’t believe anyone is hired/paid enough to read through chat logs, or look at any sort of context… and that is just my common sense speaking here. It’s about the number of reports, and if the account is already flagged/blacklisted, as mine definetly is…

the frustration of not being able to play the game, as it is supposed to be played, is of course what makes me behave this way. It tilts me beyond belief, that because i do not have a guild/group of friends to play with, that I am forced to play with underaged children/new players, that cannot press a bloodlust… tanks that go into a dungeon and fight 2 mobs… etc etc (i could go on ofc, but my point is - call these people out even if politely? - they still press the report button).

I’ll stop typing here, it’s already a essay and i think most of you can probably imagine how sad and angry I am right now… I would like to appeal to any GM that reads this, if there is anything that I can do to recover a account that has all of my gold, and so many memories and rare items/tmogs/mounts. The longest suspension I had for abusive chat, was over a year (a year and 6 months i believe), and I would much rather to go through that again, than to have a permanent ban… I don’t know if this counts for anything, but I do commit to change my behavior/never to type in chat again.

If you made it this far, cheers for reading this, and if there is anything you can do to help me, I genuinely thank you from the heart.

Adicional information since I made this post on the US forums:

I cannot share any links on this forum, but considering I am at a point that blizzard is just closing my tickets with “This penalty has already been upheld. Any further requests on this topic will not be reviewed.”, I googled this issue in hopes of finding an alternate solution… and I found both of these articles (google them yourself if you want to read them):

both are on wowvendor website:

“Blizzard’s CS Completely Ignores Ban Appeals”


“Blizzard CS Ignores Appeals: Fan Seeks Help on LinkedIn”

I will straight up say, I also tried going down this route, that’s how desperate I am atm… I am feeling devastated, hopeless, and I am very well aware i do not deserve any charitability at this point…but I am still hoping that there is a way to play the only game that brings some joy into my life, once again… It feels like a very drastic and well… permanent punishment, considering the reality of this playerbase, and the pug-scene in this game, and before some says “still does not excuse your actions”, yes, I agree with you…but before you say that, consider if this is the “community” that you want moving forward, where nobody chats with eachother, since every1 abuses the report button. Cheers if you made it this far <3

Ban discussions aren’t allowed on the EU forums at all.

You’ve received a thorough review of your account already. Continuing this on other regions doesn’t make any difference to your case.

Your ban appeal was not ignored, it was reviewed and upheld to the point of having to close any future appeals.


Believe me when I say (since I had to learn this lesson in the worse way possible) that I do not mean any disrespect to you. But you replied exactly 1 minute after I opened this post, which means you didn’t read it at all.

And yes I chose to open this post on the EU forums, considering my permabanned license is from EU. I appreciate you telling me it doesn’t make a diference at all… but you can probably imagine how I am feeling atm. Cheers

I already read it earlier on the US forums but chose not to reply. My US MVP counterparts and forum regulars already were on the case.

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Apologies, I was not aware (since i didn’t remember your name on that thread). Cheers dude. I just honestly don’t have it in me to start over on a new license… with zero gold (even if I didn’t had that much gold). Actualy makes me want to cry