Permanent ban for jumping in place

To briefly summarize: On 2nd of December I received a permanent ban for utilizing a macro which had my character jump in place, which lead to my account being flagged for hacking or botting.

What prompted my admittedly poor decision were the ques on Kazzak. They are infamously large, particularly at expansion launch and with the addition of the server’s frequent crashes early on, the agony of waiting so long to actually login after a workday was excruciating.

I know ignorance is no excuse, but I sincerely did not suspect having my character jump in place so as to not drop from server, was considered an offense. If i had the slightest inkling that could result in a permanent ban, I would never have considered the thought.

This has been a first, and I am genuine in my claim that truly was not aware of breaking a rule. I have never been issued a penalty of any sort, be it suspension or a silence, in all my years on this account.

Having all those years - and everything they entailed - permanently stricken away for a first-time offense of jumping in place feels too severe.

I did write a ticket on the matter, however, the response i received seemed entirely automated, completely ignoring what was written. Perhaps due to the large amount of tickets being opened at launch.

I spent several days looking for a phone or live chat so i could talk to an actual person, to no avail, and im sort of the end of my rope here.

I had several very important items in the mail, which are close to their deletion date now. I would honestly be happy if i could retrieve said items and wait out a more lenient penalty.

Praying for a holiday miracle at this point.

Only way to appeal is through the tickets. You can try responding to the ticket and hope a human reads it this time.

Ignorance is no excuse, technically it is botting, using a program to do a task ingame without a player pressing a key for it.

A ticket is the only way to try to get a reduction, I don’t think they will retrieve your mail for you. Ask for your ticket to be escalated to a manager. I thought bans were six months for botting.

Bans are not removed by the people who you would talk to over the phone, Blizzard now do callbacks for this very reason.

Yes it is, but im leaning on the fact that no real person would think a permaban is a fitting punishment for a first-time offense like this.

How/where do I do that?

Yes officer, I murdered him but I didn’t know it was against the law, would that work too?

Permaban is the only punishment.

reopen the ticket and ask for it.

Botting has always been bannable.

Abuse of mechanics to avoid getting disconnected while afk has always been bannable.

Seems you were doing both at the same time, so I can understand why you ended up permbanned. Sorry.

A gross hyperbolization in very poor taste. What I did is more akin to cutting in line, and they dont give you life in jail for that.

@Trolvak …I really want to believe that such soulless malice is just your way of trolling and not an actual, genuine thought.

There’s no malice in Trovlak’s above post. While he has sometimes a stark posting style the facts as posted is correct here.

Any automation in the game shall lead to a permanent ban of the game service. You can do what Dottie suggested and attempt to elevate it once more and insist, but if that’s refused be prepared to say pretty much forever goodbye to the account.

There has been cases that, in my opinion should not, permanent bans been reduced to or are set at 6 months for any forms of cheating…

Remember, the GM’s will have to follow policies and their opinion are irrelevant to whatever they would think is a fitting punishment. If they deviate so can the next person claim they should be granted the deviation.

Discussions about bans will also lead to a yes/no which is why this thread will eventually be closed too.

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Actually it’s more like cheating at an exam and getting banned from the course. I was stating an extreme example. You knew deep down it was wrong yet you did it anyway.

Stating facts is malice?

We do not handle appeals over the forums. Please follow Saneko’s advice.