Personal crafting order

I am playing currently on Silvanas, demon hunter, alliance.
i cannot send personal crafting order to my alt, an orc on Stormscale.
Tried yesterday, tried today. Nothing.
Although 1 week ago, for my alliance hunter i was able to send some crafting orders, succesfuly.
The strange thing is i keep receiving this message when i try to send the crafting order: “that player does not exist”.

Any help here?

Personal crafting orders cannot be sent cross realm (unless the realms in question are connected).

If they are in the same guild you can use a guild order as a workaround.


there are still servers connected?
and i was thinking crafting orders are free of servers.
Thats why i did on my crafter - horde on stormscale for my alts - alliance on sylvanas.

Connected servers are basically ones that were merged into one.

You can see merged/connected realms here

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Ty Punyelf.
Still i dont know, how i did until now 3 or 4 crafted items with my Stormscale horde for my Sylvanas alliance alts and now i cannot.
And that message “that player does not exist”?

If you put your characters into the same guild you can craft yourself stuff with a “guild order”

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ty Baltic, i will do that.

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