Personal Pros and Cons of Shadows Rising. SPOILERS

Ooh okay, So Bwonsamdi did intervene for Saurfang?
And he can potentially do so for any soul he chooses?

So far, he at least intervened for him.
It’s not clear whether he did so as a favour for the Horde, or as some “leverage” to get the Zandalari on the Horde’s good side.
Or maybe it was indeed some trick.

Although I doubt this last bit. Throughout the book, he is shown genuinely worried about the people being damned into the Maw.

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Wel, that’s a nice thought atleast, that Loa are generally benevolent ad caring for the people that choose to honor them.
Hope we’ll see and learn more of it in the future.

I should reaaally level my Zandalari


I like this new sissy Horde council. I think they might just make it past this next expansion without being killed and/or villainized. Nothing good came out of Garrosh’s racist and extremist Horde and neither did from Sylvanas’ genocidal tendencies.

Rationally speaking, considering all the atrocities the Hirde has committed in the span of 15 years, it’s high time they sit quietly and reflect.

I didn’t get very far ahead with the book but so far this is what I think:

  • Talanji is portrayed realistically. I mean I can really feel the pain of her losing her father, the inner demons she is struggling with and the love she has for her people. Needing the Horde for revenge is a fact now. There is turmoil in her kingdom, assassination attempts and she doesn’t have the military power to take on the Alliance by her self. I see nothing inaccurate here.

  • Horde council is weak AF. This is a fact. For many reasons: Horde races are very different and they all have their own agenda. This council is also something new, they need time to adjust and work as a team. But I see potential and good decisions : sending Zekhan as ambassador was wise and I can already see a connection between him and Talanji ( maybe a love story in sight?)

  • Anduin is growing up. I liked his inner monologue about Alleria and how he decided to go with Turalyon’s advice. He is becoming one of my favorite characters.

That’s all I can comment on so far. But I like this book so far, very much actually. I usually get bored fast when reading WoW books.


The Alliance bias will never end. Either the Alliance is the hero saving the day or the Horde council turns into weak and pathetic pushovers that allow the Alliance to dance on their noses. Truly the Horde is nothing anymore. Not anymore. Sadly. Now the Horde is dead and blizzard is to blame.

For me Shandris Feathermoon from one of the most favorite characters have transformed to the person I really hate. She is like a traitor to her own race, and a “go go human potential” girl.
This is the biggest minus in all of that story that story writers did.

But in overall the book seams to me really passive. Its not bad
 but also really not a thing that you will call that is good. Something is good, something is bad, just neutral in total.

At least no dwarfs swimming in the holy MoonWells, tnx a lot for that!!! :hugs:

Still going through the novel
 but why is Thrall explicitly claiming that Baine tried to overthrow Sylvanas?..

I think in order to prove to the nelves that not all Hordes are the same? I think Thrall felt really cornered there. I mean he literally got humiliated.

And I found it hilarious that he thought Tyrande wanted an apology. I knew from the first second what she wanted.

He also thought the same thing to himself before, though. And no one corrected him when he said it. I think the author felt it was actually true.

Honestly this was such a bitter moment. As a long time Horde player I was never more proud of my faction. How bad have we fallen

You were proud of genociding an entire race :thinking: weird flex but okay

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Are you sure that’s me? Or are you confusing me with someone else?

If you mean the whole Horde, you’re mistaken. very few of us are proud.

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Was it your virtual twin who said this then :thinking: :man_shrugging:

I guess you don’t know irony, do you?

Don’t quite see the Irony in this statement especially with in context to your views about the Horde Council apparently being useless to the Horde but mehh maybe i missed it.

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I said they are weak not useless. I also said there is potential and there have been some wise decisions in this book so far. Read my posts again please.

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You really are nitpicky with your words aren’t you lol Weak/Useless what’s the difference, they are still not doing what Horde posters want them to do. Anyway this is straying from the point at hand which was that you were proud of your faction for Genocide and now less proud since the Horde Council arrived BUT apparently that was Irony which i missed :thinking: :man_shrugging:
Well have a good night and all that jazz.

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Please show me where I was proud of the genocide. Don’t throw dump at me without proof and then go all kktnxbye. Such a troll

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So tell me exactly long time Horde player- When did your pride in your faction fall? Was it after Tedrassil or Brennadam or before that maybe at Southshore or Hillsbrad Fields or Andorhal etc.

Did your pride only take a hit after the war ended and you had to stop being genocidal war mongers or was it when the council was formed so Warchiefs could’nt keep going “Rahh Horde Smash” every 2 expansions :man_shrugging:

Because you can’t simultaneously be “never more proud” and then not be proud during a massive moment with said faction and then go back to being Suuuuuper proud again whilst conveniently forgetting said act.

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