Pet AI for Animal Companion is utterly broken in PvP

I play BM hunter PvP (don’t ask questions, i like pain), and I’ve noticed issues with the secondary pet from the Animal Companion talent, so I’ll do my best to describe this and follow it up with some examples of how this breaks the flow of my (already crippled just by playing this spec) PvP experience

I play with my pet on passive, with petattack macros with most of my offensive spells, and separate petfollow keybind when I want to stop DPS and drop combat. However, pressing petfollow DOES return both of my pets to me, but 2 seconds later I see my secondary pet run towards the last target and engage in combat without a single reason, or any petattack button pressed in the meantime (my primary pet stays with me and does not engage in combat untill I press another offensive skill, as it should be). This happens 100 out of 100 times I’ve tested this, both on training dummies, BGs, Arenas, Dungeons, Raids, open world, whatever. In PvP this is a mayor problem because I love to use Shadowmeld or Feign Death to drop combat and go into Camo when I’m low health, but since my secondary pet appearently has rabies and decides to zugzug the last player I was targeting, I either get thrown right back into combat so I cannot press Camo, or my Camo breaks after 2 seconds, completely wasting the cooldown.

Not to mention the added pain when the player my secondary pet is glued to desices to move far away from me, forsing my secondary pet to make a whole pilgrimage to another target when I actually need him to engage

Sometimes if the player runs away in a BG for example, even tough I cannot see him anymore and I’m alone, I cannot use my mount because my secondary pet is keeping me stuck in combat on the other side of the BG.

We have enough trouble with pet AI on maps like Temple of Kotmogu, this is just pure pain to think about and manage constantly, and the only way I’ve found to make the secondary pet come back and follow me like my primary pet does, is by SPAMMING petfollow (not just pressing it again, but I need to spam the keybind 3-4 times for my pet to come to his senses)

This has been an issue since the expansion LAUNCH, and I cannot belive this is not adressed yet on the 3rd reset of the season

Test it out for yoursleves if you don’t believe me, and Blizzard pls fix k tnx bye

For the record BM is actually pretty good now after the latest massive pvp buffs. ,

Also Blizzard should fix that which you mentioned.

I had the same bug as survival with my primary pet on training dummies.

I get away, use petfollow, drop combat by fein death. Then after one more tick from my dot the pet goes back to the dummy, getting me in combat. I have to mount immediately after FD and fly up to reset the pet and truly leave the combat.

Alternatively you can enter a building. For some reason, it resets the pet (… if it enters the building after you. I had cases when the pet just stays at the door and watches me fighting).

I can confirm that this happened to me as well, in a tunnel that leads to the flag in Warsong Gulch.

Does not seem to happen every time, so I’m still not sure as to what is the specific trigger for this bug, but it is a thing Blizz should 100% look into as well.

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