Pet Battle Dailies reward only half pet xp?

It’s been a few days now that I have noticed that daily pet battles only reward half xp.

I am usually doing the battle in the garrison whenever it is up (Kura Thunderhoof) and the rewarded pet xp was like 2K something, when it is normally above 4K.

I went ahead and tried it with other pet masters in Pandaria and Legion and it still awards only half xp.

I didn’t see any nerfs in the notes or hotfixes so I am guessing this is a unintended?

I haven’t seen any nerfs at all.

I just did today’s Garrison battle ( Erris / Kura with Moon, Mouthy, and Carl to check, with NO Safari Hat and a Level 1 Carry. I got 3375 XP.

Now, Xu-Fu’s is saying I should have got 3625, and I’ll check that out separately. IIRC, some of her pets are not level 25, and Xu-Fu’s may not be adjusting for that.

So I checked out Xorvasc, who is definitely all 25s, with NO Safari Hat and a Level 1 Carry, and Xu-Fu’s says it awards 3625. And it awarded … 3625!

So everything is awarding pet XP for me exactly as it should.

Now, the first and most important question: what was the level of the pet you were levelling? Because the amount of XP the pet gets depends in its level. The formula for calculating the amount of XP is described here:

I’ve also just tested a couple of NPC battles and they are rewarding the levelling pet the expected XP.

Were your carry pets max level?

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Also a good question! If you were carrying a Level 1 using, say, a 25 and a 23, the 23 would share some of the XP with the Level 1.

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Yeah ofc. Both carriers are 25. I was getting over 4K, with Safari hat. I will try prtscrn one. Also my pet only leveled to 8 after one fight instead of the typical 11.

Edit: So I have done it again today and only got 2888XP. I had my two 25 carries and a leveling pet. If it has anything to do it was Kura with the 3 rats team. Here is the proof of the XP and the team imgur. com/MhNi41f
I couldn’t post the link so please remove the space between . com

I’m sorry I never checked back to see your edit/update. Since there was no new post, it didn’t show on the forums as a new post, I expect.

This image is indeed interesting

You say that was with Nicodemus, Brisby, Jenner

I just tested today, when Moon, Mouthy, Carl were up.

I used two 25s and a level 22 carry, with no Safari Hat or other boost, and got

2325 XP

The XP table at Xu-Fu’s gives 3100 as the expected XP gain for a level 22.

Moon, Mouthy, and Carl are all level 23, though.

As Jere explains in the base equation is

experience = (your_pet_level + 9) * (opponent_pet_level - your_pet_level + 5)

and the final equation is

experience = B * T * N * [(your_pet_level + 9) * (opponent_pet_level - your_pet_level + 5)]

Usually, opponent_pet_level is 25 for max level tamers. Let’s work that out for level 23s.

experience = B * T * N * [(22 + 9) * (23 -22 + 5)]

= 1 * 5 * 2.5 * [31*6]

= 2325 XP

Which is what I got.

This explains the XP difference.

But WHY did I get 3375 XP a month ago? Has something changed? Was I mistaken? (Oh, that was a Level 1 carry. I was getting confused …)

Thank you for getting back to me <3.
Yea sadly I could not reply to my own post, so I just went ahead and edited it.

I never noticed that some of Kura’s team had level 23s in it.
In all my experience so far ( I have 1200 25s, so I have been doing this a while :slight_smile: ) I was always getting a leveling pet to level 11 just from it’s first fight with any PetMasters from Pandaria onwards.

I have noticed that I was getting reduced XP ever since Blizzard introduced the Covid XP Buff. I had a 110 character in the Garisson and I thought it would be nice to get the extra XP from the Pet Battle. Not only did the extra XP did not apply to pet battles, I also got reduced Pet XP as well.

Thank you so much for explaining the way XP is calculated.
In conclusion, is everything working as intended?

Well, I actually tested only one case. Kura/Erris has other teams, and it is possible that not all pets on those are 23 - though I think they are.

But yes, for the specific team I tested, all the numbers line up and everything is working as intended. :slight_smile:

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