Pet battle event reward

I’m wondered why quest’s event only for one character.

Since I’m first time do this quest event. I won 5 players and got reward 25lvl for pet.

When I log alt do for again. But NPC don’t give.
Since blizz not allow alts make faster level for pets from rewards, huh?

It’s a LOT faster and easier to get a pet to 25 just by doing two tamers - or one of the Legion tamers twice - this week, so any idea that they’re trying to prevent people levelling pets is immediately wrong.

The Purple stone can also be bought for the Charms you get from 4 pet world quests (maybe three), which isn’t as fast and easy as a couple of tamer battles, but faster and easier than 5 PvP wins.

The main problem with the PvP reward is that it is so little and so inefficient for what you have to do, compared to PvE.

Personally, I’m happy enough with one quest per account, since I don’t want to feel obliged to do it more than once. (Which I’m really not anyhow, since I have a lifetime supply of stones already, but I feel like I should, when it’s available.) I suspect this is what the devs were responding to when the changed it - too many beginners making themselves miserable losing for too long in the queue.

It used to be per character and you could then get quite a few per week.

As Grainne mentions for PVE players its far easier to spam trainers to level so this has only hurt pet PVP and the Critter Weekly Event.

Now the average player needs to queue up maybe 7-8 times and then they’ve done for the whole week. A lower volume of games are being played by the majority of players which means more often opponents are toxic teams trying to farm wins.

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