Pet battle system is dead and needs a rework

Currently, if you queue for a pet battle you face the same guy over and over again or you end up in a queue for a very long time. I guess the reason is that there are not enough pet battlers in the queue. Most people don’t do pet battles because there are no worthy rewards. I suggest that each pet battle should grant a reward upon victory like in the arena.

Blizzard have not given us the detailed rules for the PvP pet battle queues.Here is what we have found out/believe:

  1. Opponents’ characters are shown as random NPCs, so you can’t tell who you are battling.
  2. There are “Pet Battlegroups”. A Pet Battlegroup is a set of realms. The sets do change, but rarely. Each Pet Battlegroup has one queue.
  3. Your Pet Battlegroup for ALL your characters is determined by which realm your first character is on. So using a character from a different realm will not get you into a different Pet Battlegroup - all your characters will be in the same queue.
  4. The activity varies a lot between Pet Battlegroups. Some are busier than others. None are really busy.
  5. Blizzard said that they make an effort to match new PvP battlers against each other. We don’t have any detail about what this means, or how it works.
  6. Because there are few people in the queue, if you and your opponent both requeue immediately after a battle, it’s obviously overwhelmingly likely that you will be matched against each other again.

It’s early in Pet Week, so if you are having problems getting a match, you must be in one of the slower queues.

Rewards are a problem, I agree. PvE and PvP had similar rewards when battling started in Mists, but since then, PvE rewards have inflated hugely, while PvP rewards haven’t changed at all.

However, increasing rewards without improving the state of the PvP game would be counterproductive, since we’d just have more people doing it, and unhappy that they feel obliged to for the rewards.


P.S. I just checked your armoury. I was explaining things like you were a beginner, and now I see you really, really aren’t. Sorry about that!

Got “Legendary Pet Brawler” achievement on 13/06/2017 so I’m not new to pet battles :slight_smile:

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It’s not quite as engrossing as it used to be for me, I used to play it regularly, now I don’t even bother with the weekly or the battle pet world quests.

What killed it for me, especially in the PvP sense is that nearly everyone you come across is using an absurd setup that you can’t beat with any average pets and if you do a similar setup yourself, your game is basically decided by who goes first.

And like the OP said, you can often be stuck playing against the same guy over and over again.


There are some op setups but you can have a counter for any setup.

Pet battles have been allowed to become super stale with the meta now primarily based on a handful of abilities that don’t fit with the original scaling for damage/CD. What that basically means is the average pet can’t compete because the power level is that much higher.

If you go toe to toe with the meta pets games are faster because of the increased damage values causing RNG to have a much greater impact than ever before. It’s now extremely common for two evenly matched teams to be decided by RNG alone rather than anything done in the game. Games just aren’t fun when rng decides the outcome.

The battlegroups originally implemented to probably stop win trading now act as an artificial barrier to participation either locking players out of games or trapping them to face the same opponent all the time. There’s gotta be a way to prevent win traders whilst also opening up the battlegroups that didn’t exist when pet battles first released.


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