Pet battles are garbage, please dont lock content behind them

doing pet garbage for the mount and pet battles is annoying pile of poop, why is game content locked behind this pokemon trash? enemy always gets first hits and permanent stuns etc. cant i just murder them with my deathknight as i chose to play instead of using stupid pets?


While some enjoy it there are others that donā€™t.
Forcing us to play it is not a good thing.

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You really do complain about every aspect on the game. If you are talking about the secret mount then deal with it.


Takes 90 minutes start to finish from scratch and you only need to do a single pet battle.


no, you need to get the pets, upgrade them, then make rare and then do a bunch of battles til you get lucky with rng

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1: There are multiple easy to get combos that have 100% success rates.

2: The pets in these combos can be acquired by, at most, a short quest chain. Others are 5-10 minutes at most clicking things in the open world.

3: There are sources of pet charms / pet battle stones that donā€™t require you to pet battle, especially if you have alts and have never engaged with pet battles before. And even if not then the amount of charms needed is roughly an hour of daily quests.

30~ minutes getting the pets, 60~ minutes getting the charms. 5~ minutes doing the battle step itself.

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If you have enough charms luckily i hadnt deleted all of them as i usually do as that content just wastes space

I included the time it takes to farm 120 charms. 105 for the 3 level up stones and 15 to upgrade wicker pup to rare.

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  • Does very optional content to unlock a secret mount
  • Complains about needing related optional content for it.
  • ???



i treat pet battles as completely different content that shouldnt in any way be connected to non pet stuff.

Except you do get pets from the questline, not just a mount. :person_shrugging:
Therefore, itā€™s pet content you engaged with. This is not required content.


I think you need to find a new game because all you do is give off negative posts so its obvious you hate the game.


optional content .if i have skipped it .you could too .

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Just for the sake of proving the low intelligence here:
You need 105 pet charms to level up 3 pets from scrarch and update the Wicker Pup to Rare.
There literally a few rares and a few trasures worth 15 minutes to get half of them
If you DONT want to pet battle, you can just log on an alt and repeat this step.
While you do all of this you can also go get the Wicker Pup which takes less than 4 mins.
The rest of the pets you are supposed to have anyway, since this is a secret finding activity, it targets the audience who like to play detective.
You not having the previous pets, simply means youre mad at a content thats not targeted towards you, and this is nobodies fault really.
You had no interrest towards it- and now you feel like rushing content which takes up to a week for a single part of clues to be solvet let alone completed.
Nobody makes you do the content.
And nobody makes you rush it.
Its like me- a strictly PvP player complaining that I cant reach the PvE mount while i never put the effort to gain the gear neccesery.
And despite all of this you can finish all of the steps which took more than a whole month to piece together in less than a day.
If these people from the secret finding discord werent giving you info, you would still be at step 0.

First 2 commenters pop up in a lot of threads here and their approach is always the same.
Idk man, if game bothers you so much you either got nothing going on irl or you simply dont enjoy the game anymore.
Its fine, just please move on and stop spilling cringe.

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People said the same when they locked the Legendary Cloak behind PvP content.
The difference between that & this, is that the Cloak was MANDATORY & this is OPTIONAL.

  1. I find pet battles fun and I donā€™t think I am the only one.
  2. Youā€™re doing a very optional content, mastering a very simple technique is no big deal with such big and long achievement.
  3. What next, are you going to complain about meta achievements because they contain activities you donā€™t like?
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I can sort of relate, I guess. Iā€™m not as a rule opposed to jump through hoops to get things I want and have participated in tons of content I despise or donā€™t care about. ā€œThe ends justify the meansā€. Though in this particular case (Iā€™m assuming this is about the green motorcycle) Iā€™m not willing to do that.

Having to sit there constantly consulting some guide to go out of my way doing super spesific stuff Iā€™d probably never know or care about is tedious enough. Pet battles Iā€™m not too bothered about. But then I read I need very spesific pets, also from ā€œhidden contentā€, which has their own list of obscure voodoo rituals to procure and Iā€™m out. And thatā€™s okay actually. Rewards require effort and if Iā€™m not willing to put in that effort, whatever that might be, I donā€™t really get to be upset about it.

If itā€™s still an option next month, Iā€™ll probably just throw 30 bucks at ebay and get a code for the fiery version. It works for more of my characters anyway.

Thereā€™s loads of mounts that I canā€™t get because they require stuff I donā€™t like - eg Diamond Mechsuit (M+), Vicious War mounts (rated pvp), itā€™s just the way the game is. Thereā€™s 3 variants of this mount so hopefully everyone should be able to get at least one of them.

wait till you get to the owl statue puzzle ā€¦ straight up impossible