Pet battles are the most underrated content in the game

There could be pet raids. Imagine an LFG system with a vast range of “pet bosses” where you would Q and partner with 2 more people to 9v1 a pet boss. Holy moly that would be so fun.

never walk in a pet battle without an iron starlette!

I used to see people say this. Forgetting the mechanical difficulties for a moment, I can’t imagine how it could be good or what would be good about it.

First of all, would your teammates even have the right pets with the right breeds, and know how to use them? Or believe they have alternate strats, which don’t mesh with anyone else’s, which they half-remember? Then there would be the sheer length of it. The pet dungeons take maybe half an hour. Two hours of a pet battle, where you are making one move and then waiting 2 minutes (in your example, 8 * 15 sec) before making the next? And then any one mistake can lose the whole long battle?

Pet raids? Include me out, thanks.

Your take on the idea is rather very serious and a bit negative(pessimistic?).

I don’t mean something long like that. Imagine all the bosses in the raids; then make small versions of them and put them to the LFG. There would be no “packs”, just bosses. And you can make it so people can have “choosing phase” for their pets, which can be talked/discussed with others.

This wouldn’t take too much time. And they can adjust the difficulity like normal raids so people wanna have fun can have fun and people that want challange can go for the higher difficulities.

Welcome to the world of pet battles, Iheb!

Sometimes it’s easy to get stuck doing the things we always have and it’s awesome to hear you were willing to check out a new part of the game and having fun with it!

Best of luck with the battles and the growing collection!


Tbh i don’t find them enjoyable. I do have a nintendo switch and an emulator for game boy advance on my pc. So , if i want to play pokemon i will just play pokemon not the weird wow version.

there are Pet dungeons though lol

In your opinion, but you moan about most things so that’s not saying much

Compared to stuff like Warfronts, Island Expeditions, and those 4 weird Covenant mini games in Shadowlands, pet battles indeed have way more potential and should’ve gotten more attention from Blizzard, in my opinion.

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It would have been nice to be able to increse the size of the pet like Hunter put but just cosmetic, to walk by your side.

That would probably make more people collecting them:)

There there pat

thanks :smile:

but im working on it. i managed to catch a couple of pets already.

the emerald proto whelpling took longer than expected tho. took ages to find rare ones and then i accidently killed it two times.

but i eventually did it. :smile:


Gah that sucks! I know the feeling…experienced it both in wow and on pokemon countless times :rofl:

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Admittedly, I never took much notice of pet battle- last time was the one in the Uldum invasion and I never even finished that!.

Will have a look at Grainne’s guides and possibly get into it at some stage

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While pet battles are good and all, they severely lack content. I do not do PvP pet battles as they are rather toxic, but sadly PvE content does take too much time to release and in SL except 2 achievements that we got at the start we do not have anything at all.

The EPW is one of the harder pets to find.

Capturing a pet in Blue quality is less important than capturing it in the right breed, since you can upgrade the quality to Blue with stones you can buy with currency

Did I not send you a level 25 Teroclaw Hatchling? I don’t see one in your pets, but I was sure I did?

Yesterday, Snail Fight! world quest was up. With that, or any of the repeatable Legion WQ, you can level a pet from 1 to 25 in 6 battles. And you can do that using only a Terioclaw. You will learn these tricks! :slight_smile:

But don’t push yourself to the point where it becomes a grind. There is no rush with pets. :slight_smile:

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Two ways to view Pet Battles and that is either as a pure pet collecting process and the other as a very useful way to level your own character, without ever having to fight yourself. Me I’m Level 60 and only ever use pets to level my character. I also only play Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. There is an art and skill involved but unlike Grainne I’m not likely to share how to do it. The joy as your Baby Ape one shots the pets just outside Crossroads up on the hill as you ding 60 is truly magical.

What I am prepared to divulge is if you are waiting for it to rain or to kick up a sandstorm then it pays to have one of your chars stationed there. And seriously there is never enough time in the day to swamp yourself in something disgusting… nudge nudge wink wink. And its not about the strength of your pet its about what it is in respect of the opposition and most importantly the level difference between them. Get three of each and be prepared to keep deleting them and level to specific target levels depending on where you plan to fight. Having three level 17s is harder to maintain than 25s. The aim is to maximise your own XP retrurns and that is the art of pet battling… doing it my way. I don’t do trading cards. Just a means to an end. But a fun one.

Man I love Battle Pets… or is Pet Battles. No matter. Its the only reason I play the game.

Lastly if you are not having fun you aint playing a game. After all its just a game… what ever you do with Warcraft.

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yeah you did. :slight_smile:

yeah i guess i missed it, its quite still a lot.

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Pet battle would be fun if it was more balanced. Ikky and it’s equivalents in other families are just so strong that it doesn’t make sense to not use them for everything which really limits your choices.

I wish we could pet battle on the phone app instead of doing mission table, or rather in addition to doing the mission table.

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