Pet battles dead ?

Hey there,

Are the pet battles completely dead? Or the matchmaking is a joke?
Weekend, during pet battles bonus event, I am matched 5-6-7- times against the same opponent. Then there’s another 5-6-7-8 matches train versus other opponent.
Are like only 2-3 people batteling even during weekend and event?
Any ideas? Should I drop pet battles forever?

First of all, let me suggest that if you are matched again and again against the same team, you should thank your lucky stars, slot a counter, and chalk up your wins. :slight_smile:

More seriously, you really have to distinguish between PvE and PvP. Pet battling in general is far from dead. PvE is very active, and the devs give it lots of support. I believe PvP was an afterthought originally, and the devs don’t know what to do with it, and/or don’t want to do anything with it - so it is, in that sense, pretty dead.

… we don’t necessarily want to force players into it …

I respect this as well. Pets would become a nightmare if we faced the kind of frequent tweaking, distortion and retuning that we have seen in classes to try to balance spec and talents, screwing up the whole system for everyone to placate the 1%.

I have to say that the devs do cut the top off the meta every expansion, which I appreciate, and they did add Brawler, which (IMO! - Rosqo will surely be tempted to present the other side :stuck_out_tongue: ) was a nice diversion, so it’s not entirely deceased.

PvP queues are dead-ish because the rewards are poor. The rewards are poor because adding must-have rewards would lead to a really bad experience, with everyone running the most boring things possible to grind wins.

So the queues can’t be filled unless they add rewards. The rewards can’t be added until they impose a system to prevent deadly-monotonous teams dominating (more than they do). And they don’t have the motivation to start that kind of upheaval.

Exactly how the queues actually work, and exactly why, is unknown to us, and is a subject of speculation. We know, or think we know, that queues are partitioned by a type of “battlegroup”. One popular theory is that your pet battlegroup is decided by which realm your account made its first character on, and that these battlegroups were changed after WoD. So no matter which alt you play on, on which realm, you will be playing with the same people. I’m not convinced it’s that simple, but that’s a sample of the ideas people have.

What is clear is that the more queues there are, the fewer people you will meet.

Recently they made a change to segregate PvP beginners from the rest.

Now, players who are new to the PvP battle pet system are more likely to be matched up against other new PvP pet battlers.

You have over 50 wins, so I wouldn’t think you would be “new to the PvP battle pet system” as they mean it, but I don’t know. That’s another possible division of the queue.

To be fair, though I don’t do it much any more, I have rarely had to wait more than 2 or 3 minutes during prime times for a PvP battle. The scarcity of people does make for a monotonous experience, though.

I am talking about pvp.
Being matched 20 times in last 2 hours with the same guy, while trying the Family Brawler achievement is just stupid and bad programming.
OR there are no players pvp’ing.

There is very much a self fulfilling prophecy with the investment that the Dev’s put into PVP. Minimal investment means minimal interest from the player base. If there was a whole patch where all the pet content was PVP related it would drive up interest significantly and in my opinion this content would last longer than any pve equivalent.

Out of interest what was the team you were facing? I was playing just one team tonight looking for Twilight Clutch Sisters to beat. I faced a number of teams handicapped by the Brawler Achievement.

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