Pet battles that I can repeat for 1-25 lvl in two fights!

So yesterday I spammed the hell out of one battle where I gained a 25 lvl pets in two fights from 1 to 25.

That happened in Dalaran with a battle fight called Tiffany Nelson, she was up and I just fight her over and over, level’d like 100 pets, that was awesome :wink:

However, today Tiffany is gone, and there isn’t any fights in dalaran, but I went to Draenor and Pandaria battle fiths, example Ashlei, but then I only was able to fight her once, unlike Tiffany? Whats the difference.

Oh also then I went to panda land and fight a pet called Dosy, but my lvl pet only gained very little XP, from 17 to 18, unlike the Tiffany which a pet gained from 17 to 25 in one fight.

So my question essentially is, how to know which battle fight that I can spam over and over which also gives maximum XP unlike dosey and unlike ashlei, because dosey I only get very little XP, and ashlei I only can do once.

If you mean why are things like this, it’s because the devs are balancing the needs of levelling battles against achievement battles against not having a 24/7/365 levelling rocket.

If you mean what do you do next to level more pets fast, it’s all here,

kept up to date by consensus of the most experienced pet battlers on the Discord.

Right now, this minute, grab your bandages and go see Robert Craig in Stormheim.


Thanks, this was helpful, now I knwo which pet battles I will look for.

meanwhile I don’t have any bandages, wasted them all on Sir Galv :smiley:

Buy some more bandages with Pet Charms from BfA World Quests, and do BfA World Quests that reward bandages.

You mean buy bandages with the new “Polished charms” cause that I can’t do :stuck_out_tongue: I’m farming these to get all the pets out there still, haven’t collected all, came back to wow late in Bfa.

EDIT: I just wish I can buy bandages with the old charms, shiny charms or something forgot their name, I got all the reward out of these and they are useless to me, I think I got around 400+ overflowing for nothing, can’t buy upgrades or bandages with these right? or am I mistaken with this?

Well, 25 bandages for 5 Charms is a decent boost to your levelling productivity during the event, with a tamer like Robert Craig who is not near a Stable Master, but that one is your call.

No, sadly, the only thing you can buy with the original Pet Charms - now Shiny Pet Charms - are the Legion pets still for sale in Dalaran.

You can get bandages easily by doing most of bag-rewarding dailies, such as Mastering the Menagerie or Grand Master quests.

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