Pet Delights, positivity thread #2

Running into familiar faces during Shadowlands questing and levelling is making my day.


I was having a blast doing the shadowlands stuff. Torghast is great, dungeons are better than the BfA ones I feel, PvP gearing is actually a thing. Managed to get Coldshade to 176 ilevel before tonight’s restart! :open_mouth:


Found a track on the Shadowlands OST which combines the music from all of the animated shorts. Some of it is ingame, some of it is reworked older themes such as Invincible, but I don’t think the Draka/Maldraxxus them is ever found in the zone itself.

Enjoying the Night Fae covenant greatly. The mount, the aesthetics, the quests. The fact that I can buy any items, even cloth armor as a hunter. Totally grabbing that robe when I can.

One thing I don’t like is mandatory ventures into Torghast during the story quests. Not my thing at all.

Wait you can? I am very interested.

So after near 15 years of hating it wow fishing has finally clicked for me and i enjoy it.

This opens a lot of opportunities.

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Just love Revendreth
The Venthyr covenant is great, cool questchains; nice crypt, snarky little gargolye/imp thingies, the mad duke is priceless, the Curator and the Accuser are awesome
And could kill to know more about Z’rali, why can’t go home and why the Naaru attacked and scorched the Ember Ward…? Whats happened in Sinfall that provoked that massive attack from the Naaru???
We want answers and we want them now!
And jumped on that carriage and do nothing just go around and around, listening to the music and the world around
Not enjoyed an area this much since Suramar

Most armor/weapon vendors display only items that fit your class by default, but you can choose “All” from the filter dropdown to display all items for sale.

The big exceptions are PvP vendors, as you can only buy PvP transmog ensembles that fit your class.

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I’m absolutely in love with my own Revendreth themed transmog and I love everything about Revendreth oh my god this zone is just so perfect ahhhhhhhoiiqwkjllajgjkalklafjkl;sda

If it’s the transmog you’re currently wearing, I approve.

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My man you look like a jacked and short version of Micolash Host of the Nightmare from Bloodborne.

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I got dead bird and Sorrowbane. Good day to murder

Finally gathered that 1500 honor for the Oribos quest… :neutral_face:
Man I hate PvP :unamused:
But that sweet 250 anima… :persevere:
So I’m now happy, that is done :grin:

And you can buy + upgrade a piece of gear with it as well!

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You didn’t get me, I’m still here.

Silence. You are mine now! So, start murdering

This was hilarious
Wandering around Briar Gate in Revendreth and suddenly:
Nihilist Soul: Always look on the bright side of death…
Nihilist Soul: < whistles>
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I got my first Legendary crafted. Now to start helping Stitchmasters and getting Anima streams permanent. 4 more days for first one.

I was… hit by a carriage
Zoned out in the middle of the road and the next moment, the carriage that goes around Revendreth simply ran over me!
And I was kocked back and stunned, disoreinted for a few sec
And. It. Was. Awesome!!!
The small things like this make the world around you seem real and alive


been hit by that many times.

Don’t think my warhorse appreciates it.

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