Pet Delights, positivity thread #2

The growing likelyhood of Vulpera being playable has really made my week! Also finally got hired in a job I really want so I’m flying high at the moment!

Actually it is almost certain. If they get the Mecha-Gnomes, we get the Vulpera.
Or the Giblins. Who knows?!

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Yeah it’s pretty much confirmed at this point, which is great! I just hope we can play them soon! Hordeside of course.

Any ideas for the racials, though?

I have a couple ideas… like getting extra stuff from gathering perhaps, maybe a boost to stamina or something as well since they’re tough little survivors as for actives, perhaps a scream since they’re foxes like. a stunning scream or an interrupt

getting extra stuff from gathering

I agree with that. As they are all about surivors and gathering.

maybe a boost to stamina or something as well since they’re tough little survivors

I’d imagine more a dodge chance, in this case. Or stamina. Or both.

As for the actives, I’d imagine something about mobility to be honest. A slight CC? A slow? Anything?


Fleet Foot - passive increase in haste and MS.

Harsh Survivor - Food buffs last 10% longer

Desert gatherer - increase in profession items gathered (Like Herbs and ore)

Dune leap - Active ability, a non damaging leap, good for escaping or moving around.


All of those sound amazing and not too OP.

I have to agree. And they seem logic for their race.

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I just tried to think “What could be useful, but reflect the non aggressive nature of the Vulpera?”

So 2 passives to help in combat (Fleet Foot and Harsh survivor)

1 profession Passive, and then an active that seems like a different take on the goblins leap passive (the Vulpera’s being one you can target instead of straight forward.)

edit: I think i’ve been spending too much time looking into vulpera, their Lore, and their way of life, I should go outside.


Making a cognac raisin cake (forgot the rum, duh) for friends tonight and the batter was already too good. (Good thing I shoved the cake into the oven before trying the leftover batter or there would have been less cake…)

And I’m reading Orlando by Virginia Woolf for the first time and it’s strange and so beautiful.

I’m happy!

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Please don’t give us mecha-gnomes. Nobody, literally nobody ever, will play that race. Nobody already plays gnomes.

Also hell yea I would play vulpera. Though I hope vulpera will be neutral so you can join both sides.

Though any idea about classes?

Rogue, obviously.
Warrior, yes.
Hunter, definetly.

But all the other races are a big questionmark.

I hate to be that guy but vulpera will not be neutral, as they already feel the Alliance went too far in the invasion of Vol’dun. I have evidence, but this is a positivity thread not a lore one.

As for classes:
and maybe Mage but we’ll have to see

I’m making a Vulpera hunter. I can safely say, I know what I’ll be transmogging onto them too.

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Please don’t give us mecha-gnomes. Nobody, literally nobody ever, will play that race. Nobody already plays gnomes.

Customisations are already out on WoWhead. Sorry.

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Blizzard said they don’t want to do more Neutral races, so that bucket is kicked.

You also burnt their houses, so I don’t think they like the Alliance.

The base classes (Warrior, Hunter and rogue) are always confirmed since almost every race has them.

originally an elemental named something like Sumber the Drowned was teaching Vulpera shamanism. but Apparently that was changed to the Horde teaching them. (don’t know where they found that info, but sound possible.)

Priests and Mages are maybes, one caster and four classes doesn’t seem like enough, and these 2 are the easiest to throw in.

Monk sounds possible, although not everyone likes monk.

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I wouldn’t mind mechagnomes except the ones that we seem to be getting look like quad-amputated potatoes on stilts. If there was an option for full robot body ones I could see some appeal in them. Or just ones with only one or two limbs replaced.

Alas, unlikely. You can thank the “Purge Squads” on Alliance for that (Which completely contradicts the quest text Alliance get but I digress).

Warrior, rogue and hunter are a given. Shaman is likely, I think at least one or two Vulpera NPCs use totems and shaman spells. Warlock, mage and priest are likely because smol race. Every smol race seems to have access to all the casters. That seems to be the rule these days. Only thing that’s really ? is monk, druid and the hero classes.

Monk will be their usual bull crap where either:

A) Suddenly the race will inexplicably have monks because raisins.

B) They won’t get monks because raisins. In spite of the fact that many other races got monks with far stronger reasons against them having the class.

Frankly, if they give the class to time travelling orcs and elves who were in a bubble for 100,000 years and the friggin ZANDALARI THE SWORN ENEMIES OF PANDAREN, they should just accept it’s a ‘common’ class like warrior and hunter and be done with it.

Anyone who’s pissed about too many races being monks is already pissed as is so I doubt Vulpera not having the class would really make them any happier, and limiting the class because a coin toss made by Ion came up as tails is only going to annoy people who hoped to play a monk of an incoming race.

They don’t really gain anything by denying the class to most races these days, the ‘monk should be panda only’ crowd aren’t going to be happy unless the class is removed from all races but pandaren, which is just straight up not happening. So hopefully they do get monks, if they don’t I’m going to be irritated. Not because I want to play one, but because it’s their arbritrary ruling on who gets the class surfacing yet again. Which when pressed will no doubt yield a half-arsed lore “reason” that doesn’t hold any water what so ever when stacked up next to Orcs piling into a DeLoran watching too many kung fu movies.

Druid is very unlikely, due to the amount of work involved in all the forms and so on. And the race doens’t have any visibly druidic connections.

DK and DH are not happening for obvious reasons.

I’m still undecided between rogue and hunter.

I want to do hunter for RP stuff, but I find the class terribly, terribly dull.

I’d be slightly less irritated since the Horde then gets an allied race who can’t be monks.

stares at lightforged

Draenei who just woke up from a coma from crashing into the planet like five minutes ago can be monks

Sound logic

Draenei who’ve been fighting in space but did also have a martial arts thing on their home planet and presumably in their free time if T’paartos is anything to go by

Pffft, they can’t be monks, that would be absurd!

Now those Zandalari on the other hand! They just love their pandaria culture!

My panda: Screams in pandaren

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Also! Isn’t your lightforged characters like; just recently lightforged? You mean, I’ve been a draenei monk for 4 years and I suddenly can’t be one anymore because I got lightforged?

That is actually what happened to my lightforged, she’s now a priest.

WTB Zandalari Warlock, I will trade Zanda monks for them.