Pet dismissing are not resetting CD

During the entire original cata, pet, and hunter pet swapping would allow you to reuse pet abilities on a different DR
(ROS being one of them)

Today, we got the ability to learn Call Pet2, 3, and 4
I wanted to check, and to my surprise, ROS does not reset on pet change.
Apparently it’s also a change done on the BETA, that applies to both lock, hunter, and mage pet

Is this an intended change - meaning that it would be great to have it notified somewhere (could not read anythning related to that in the “notablel differences” post pinned)

Else, fix it when you can :pray:



Those shared CD’s on pet abilitys deffo WASNT a thing in cata there r mutliple guids how to dissmiss and even tournement vods from back in the days where ppl r using it…
sadly blizzard isnt taking that much care about it rn…
it would bring hunter from S to C Tier… sad days guys

It could still be a bug. With the amount of issues we faced since Cata prepatch release, i would not be surprised if it was.

apparently already reported: