Pet Dungeon Feedback

So I went to have a look and do the new pet battle dungeon. I have a few pets, nothing major as its nothing I’m overly fond of but I have enough to usually get by. I spent 2 hours in there working my way through to the last boss. It felt such an achievement to get there with my shoddy pet collection.

After an hour spent just on last boss, no combination of any of my pets worked. I looked up a guide for him and seemingly you need specific pets to actually down him. ‘Right’ i thought, I’ll go and get those pets, level them up and come back with a vengeance.

A further 4 or 5 hours later I come back with the pets needed to down the last boss, I enter the dungeon and… everything has reset. All the work I put into making my way to the end was for nothing.

Why do you not get saved to a pet battle instance the same way you do for a normal type of instance? I did not reset my instances yet here I am ready for the last boss and I’m right back at the start.

I was actually having fun with it, having fun working my way through. Having fun going out and finding the pets I need and levelling them up. Then this.

Well, this is my feedback. Finding myself unwilling to redo all the dungeon again as I have no idea which pets I used with which abilities on which mobs… i just, I’m going to bed.

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Oh. That’s disappointing. :frowning: That sucks. Yes, your progress is reset when you leave the dungeon. I’m sorry to hear you got caught by that. Congratulations on your ingenuity on getting through it with a small roster, though! That was the original fun in pet battles - McGyvering your way through.

I hope you come back refreshed. This time, be sure to note your teams and strategies, because the next step is to do the same on Heroic, without heals.

BTW, you don’t actually need reflective shields for the last boss. The first time I was there, I used a regular team. It does make him ridiculously easy though. A lot of people are speculating that Blizzard will nerf that strategy.

Well, that is some determination with such a small time. I had a good time in Gnomeregan. The pet battles are different and tough, more fun then Wailing Cavern & Deadmines (I think). And after a lot of tries on the last boss, he finally went down!

But yeah, if you could just leave an instance and come back, what would stop you from bringing back that Ikky or Broot that doing great there and died?

Spoiler alert.

You can just use lightning+fire shield on Tinytron and boss will kill itself in a couple of rounds.

You can also use some swarm ability like Inflation or Flock on your first pet that will get swapped afterwards to make him take double damage and speed up process even further.

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