Pet dungeons on alts

ive done blackrock on main, then logged alt and able to do it again.

now logged third alt and it shows as done, is it limited for two toons only?

It’s limited to one - once per account per week.

Did you do it on your main before reset?

No, I did it back to back with two chars, thats why I was confused.

I thought it’s either once a week on all account, or unlimited, but I was confused that I was able to get two shadowy item twice, on main then alt, then went to third alt and quest wasn’t available.


Was this the first time you did it?

The first time, you do it once with the ability to heal, and then again iimmediately in full more, without the ability to heal.

Then you are locked for the week.

P.S. No, this wasn’t your first time, I see from your armoury.

No idea. I’m baffled. Some kind of bug?

No wasn’t my first time, I just did it before reset on main and parked there, today I woke up, first thing I did it again with main, then jumped on warrior alt and did it, quest was available on both characters, got my shadowy item and even purchased a pet in one go.

Then went to the third alt, for third shadowy but quest wasn’t there.

Maybe, just maybe you can do it twice a week for blackrock, check your alt. Just teleport to dalaran then to blackrock instantly, see if quest is available twice a week.

Regardless, I only need one shadowy and I’m completely done with the place, so Ill wait till next week to do it with the main one last time.

The challenge mode version is def once per week, aligned to the weekly reset on Wednesday morning (9 am servertime).

You must have either done 1 normal mode and 1 challenge mode run, or had the weekly reset happen in between 2 runs. Since you posted this fairly early on a wednesday my money would be on the latter.


Sandsh, I promise you that it wasn’t a reset and ill tell you why.

Before reset I did my run on the main and received the shadowy item, then I parked there on the reset day, logged back the next day (Wednesday) on reset day and did it again on the main one more time, then logged an alt and did it one more time.

So I received 3 shadowy in two days, if what you said is correct then I would not be able to do that.

Yea that indeed shouldn’t be possible, weird.

In the first couple of weeks after Blizzard limited the Critter event pvp wins to once per account I did something similar by immediately logging to another character.
Might have been a similar thing

Maybe, but the lockout system for this should be pretty solid to be honest.

I’m not really familiar with what the Critter event is though, i vaguely remember/feel like maybe that’s the name of the Weekly event quest that involves the pvp pet battles ? (like coming 17th June) On my calendar it’s only listed as “Pet Battle Bonus Event” though, so i could be wrong.

Anyway, the QuestID is registered as completed during the same event that rewards the actual quest reward (the [Shadowy Gem]), so it’s hard to imagine one functioning without the other (unless there was like a server-crash that second ;p).

That’s not to say i don’t believe the both of you of course :), I do, i just feel like there must be a better explanation for what has occurred. Sherlock Holmes does not give credit for partial explanations.

The pet challenge is a simple quest (questid 58458), nothing special/interesting about it other than the “weekly-lockout” and “accountwide” features being enabled for that quest. There’s many other quests (and other content) using those same features, and nothing about that system has recently changed (to the best of my knowledge), so it should be pretty battle-hardened. An enormous amount of the game relies on this system working right.

For those who feel like i'm speaking chinese,

just as examples (besides the obvious other Pet Dungeons), the Pandaria worldbosses (like Sha) use the same “weekly-lockout” feature, and the Blingtron daily quests use the same “accountwide” feature.

My speculation

What’s perhaps the case, but complete speculation on my part, is:

We had some significant updates being installed during the 03:00 to 03:15 maintenance session, on the day in question.

Most of the changes related to the corruption vendor/currency. More specificly, it included changes to the system that determines when characters were considered eligible for the Echoes of Ny’alotha-currency.

I can’t speak to how that system was implemented exactly, but i can say for sure that it took both account-wide and per-character information into account.

Such as.....

Facts such as:

  1. (account-wide) Does any char on this account have the BfA Legendary Cloak unlocked ?
  2. (account-wide) Which essences are unlocked at Rank 3 or above, on ANY character.
  3. (current character) Which essences does the currently active character have unlocked at Rank 3 or above ?

It used that information, before the patch, like:

  • If #1 was False => Not Eligible
  • If #1 was True, and list#3 included everything on list#2 => Not Eligible
  • Otherwise => Eligible

In other words, i can say Blizzard installed modifications, earlier that day at 03:00, that related to lockout/eligibility, with account-wide considerations.

Perhaps those updates may have included a weekly-reset like effect for certain things, which may have included the Pet Dungeon ? That would still mean Xahn would have had to complete his first run between 03:15 and 09:00 that day, and the next one after 09:00 (when the second or proper weekly reset occurred.

I don’t know if that’s what may have happened, but in his shoes, i can imagine that if i log in, parked at the Questgiver, and i see that blue ! marker, that i’d just accept the quest and begin, without ever questioning the fact that it’s not 9am yet.

(Bit off-topic) Blingtron

If there is a weakness in the lockout system though, i’d love to know what it is :slight_smile:

I’ve been annoyed by Legion’s Blington 6000, after all this time of him being available and me pretty much popping him every day (got Engineering on main), i still haven’t had the Blingtron-pet drop *cries mechanical tears*.

I know i could buy it on the AH for a fair 5-figure sum, but after this many attempts i have stubbornly, no honorably!, dug in my feet. I must get it from Blingtron himself (i know, i know, sunk cost fallacy and all that).

Sometimes i buy a month’s sub for a second wow account (same bnet account), to double my chances at Worldboss/rare mount drops, but when i place the Blingtron 6000 in front of both my (simultaneously logged in) characters, only one of them can complete it.
For those unaware, the weekly lockouts for things like Blingtron and the Pet Dungeons are BNet-accountwide for the entire EU-region, not simply wow-accountwide.

I’ve made some low-key casual attempts at tricking the system (look away Blizzard reps, you didn’t read that ~ these are not the droids you are looking for! ~ ). Opening the quest text on both characters at the same time, and trying to click the complete buttons at nearly the exact same time, but nope :slight_smile: Once the completion on character A registers, the server is (near-)instantly aware character B isn’t allowed to complete it.

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