Pet Event+ Sir Galveston, level fast

Hy all. This week is the pet exp event,so i tried to find a fast solution to level pets. Because my playtime is limited, around 2-3h/day, i wanted a solution that is very fast and easy.
I searched the entire wowhead and didnt found, so in the end i found a old forum post+ a video regarding a 100% safe tactic and fast to fight Sir Galveston.
The tactic doesnt belong to me, but because nobody posted it on wowhead, i decided to do it, so that people in my situation (limited playtime) to take advantage of it.
Go this link, select patch 8.1.5 and look for a comment made by me (ctrl+f : Arkamedix). I presented a detailed and safe tactic. In around 6h played in the last 2 days (around 2,5-3h/day), i level-up 120+ pets. I hope till this event ends to max my entire rooster (around 300 pets left) and after focus on capturing pets (80% of my rooster are tradeable pets) so that i continue the leveling in the next pet exp event that starts in 28 august 2019.

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This is the page you want

and this is the current record-holding strat for Sir Galveston

The Court Scribe+Surger tactic doesnt work and i tested that rotation and Surger dies before meeting Great Foe. That is a outdated tactic, maby it worked in previous patches, but now, in BFA doesnt work.
I’ve spent 20 min+ trying that tactic and wasted 10+ pet bandages.

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Here is a log of a successful battle using that strat.

If you have a log of a battle where you correctly follow the strat, but fail, post it, and I will check it out and if I find a problem will get the curators at Xu-Fu’s to have a look.

Round 1 , – [1]
[Arcane Blast] dealt 243 damage to enemy Sir Murkeston. , – [2]
[Falling Murloc] dealt 462 damage to your Court Scribe. , – [3]
[Falling Murloc] applied [Magic] to your Court Scribe. , – [4]
[Falling Murloc] applied [Stunned] to enemy Sir Murkeston. , – [5]
[Recovery] healed 62 damage from enemy Sir Murkeston. , – [6]
Round 2 , – [7]
Coach is now enemy active pet. , – [8]
[Arcane Blast] dealt 487 damage to enemy Coach (Strong). , – [9]
[Magic] fades from your Court Scribe. , – [10]
[Stunned] fades from enemy Sir Murkeston. , – [11]
Round 3 , – [12]
[Lift-Off] applied [Flying] to enemy Coach. , – [13]
[Arcane Blast] missed enemy Coach. , – [14]
Round 4 , – [15]
[Lift-Off] dealt 426 damage to your Court Scribe. , – [16]
[Flying] fades from enemy Coach. , – [17]
[Arcane Blast] dealt 609 damage to enemy Coach (Strong). , – [18]
[Flying] fades from enemy Coach. , – [19]
Round 5 , – [20]
[Adrenaline Rush] dealt 174 damage to your Court Scribe. , – [21]
[Adrenaline Rush] applied [Adrenaline] to enemy Coach. , – [22]
[Arcane Blast] dealt 609 damage to enemy Coach (Strong). , – [23]
Enemy Coach died. , – [24]
Round 5 , – [25]
Sir Murkeston is now enemy active pet. , – [26]
Round 6 , – [27]
[Curse of Doom] applied [Curse of Doom] to enemy Sir Murkeston. , – [28]
[Falling Murloc] dealt 462 damage to your Court Scribe. , – [29]
Your Court Scribe died. , – [30]
[Falling Murloc] applied [Stunned] to enemy Sir Murkeston. , – [31]
[Recovery] healed 62 damage from enemy Sir Murkeston. , – [32]
Round 6 , – [33]
Surger is now your active pet. , – [34]
Round 7 , – [35]
Greatest Foe is now enemy active pet. , – [36]
[Body Slam] dealt 594 damage to enemy Greatest Foe (Strong). , – [37]
[Body Slam] dealt 171 damage to your Surger. , – [38]
[Stunned] fades from enemy Sir Murkeston. , – [39]
Round 8 , – [40]
[Stone Rush] dealt 462 damage to enemy Greatest Foe. , – [41]
[Stone Rush] dealt 198 damage to your Surger. , – [42]
[Darkflame] dealt 436 damage to your Surger. , – [43]
[Darkflame] applied [Healing Reduction] to your Surger. , – [44]
applied [Dragonkin] to enemy Greatest Foe. , – [45]
Round 9 , – [46]
[Body Slam] dealt 594 damage to enemy Greatest Foe (Strong). , – [47]
Enemy Greatest Foe died. , – [48]
[Body Slam] dealt 171 damage to your Surger. , – [49]
Round 9 , – [50]
Sir Murkeston is now enemy active pet. , – [51]
Round 10 , – [52]
[Stone Rush] dealt 462 damage to enemy Sir Murkeston. , – [53]
[Stone Rush] dealt 198 damage to your Surger. , – [54]
[Blessed Hammer] dealt 128 damage to your Surger. , – [55]
[Blessed Hammer] dealt 128 damage to your Surger. , – [56]
[Blessed Hammer] dealt 128 damage to your Surger. , – [57]
Your Surger died. , – [58]
[Curse of Doom] dealt 975 damage to enemy Sir Murkeston (Strong). , – [59]
Enemy Sir Murkeston died. , – [60]
[Battle Recovery] healed 374 damage from your Direhorn Hatchling. , – [61]

How i make this log? What addon shall i use? I will do it and post it tomorow.
The ideea is that i noticed that some pet battles get β€œbugged” when using a good rotation due to unknown reason. I suspect it might be the race/class of the character, or something. I had the same issue with tamer Sissix. And she was even more frustrating,because i couldnt defeat her not even with a full lvl 25 team.
When i tested the Scribe+Surger strategy, my Surger was lvl 1. I maxed him just for this strategy and got very frustrated that it didnt worked. After i spent almost 1h β€œgoogling” to find a strategy, the only one that worked for me was the one above.

I made that log using Pet Battle Log Recorder addon, and then I use macros to tidy up the entry in the LUA file.

However. you couls also use the addon and take a couple of screenshots of the log as displayed, then put those screenshots on Imgur and provide links.

Considering how many pet battles are played every day, I can’t imagine that the race and class of the character affects it. We would have heard something.

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