Pet loyalty

Seems like it’s still bugged? does anyone have a blue post about this?

The higher level you are, the longer it takes.

It seems to take way longer then it used to (if at all), I haven’t managed to get a loyalty level on a new pet yet. I tamed Shy and have gone through the Frostsaber area twice killing all and no change in loyalty. I’ll make a couple more rounds but to me this seems bugged.

If you’re stuck, go to a pet trainer and untrain your pet. Fixed it for me.

Hmm, ok I’ll try that… because it definitely seems to be stuck. Thanks :slight_smile:

It slowly gained loyalty, problem is… My ravager doesent learn any skills like bite etc, only have growl :confused:

Go grab a low lvl one and lvl it up :slight_smile:

I can confirm that this solved it, I untrained the pet and re-trained Growl 7, went back to Winterspring and 25 or so lvl 58-60 Frostsabers later I got to loyalty lvl 2 :slight_smile: :+1:

Edit: Well, a gazillion of dead cats later I’m still at lvl 2 so I might have to try that again :slight_smile:

Edit 2: Yeah, definitely still bugged. Re-trained pet once again and 10 kills later loyalty lvl 3…
I don’t want to do this after each loyalty level :face_vomiting:

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I had a ravager who didnt have any skills xD now i found one, working!

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Go get em, t…tiger?

Did you tame one of the same type/area etc? I’m onto my 2nd one now and still has the same issue … I’m thinking maybe will wait till 63 and go train one of the higher level ones as they scan as already having a skill (cant remember which one)

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