Pet Mounts

I noticed that Pocopoc can fly with us using its gearglider :

So i thought, it could be a very nice little feature to have this as well for our battle pets ! It could allow the grounded ones to fly with us and stop being dismissed every time we fly just a little, which is super annoying to me :sweat_smile:

I tried to do a little edit on how it could look in the interface :

So by clicking on the green “+” on the bottom left, it opens the extra window on the right where you can select the pet mount and see the ones you miss. That way it is very similar to mount gear or professions UI, so user won’t be too lost, i think ?

I think it could also add funny things to collect ! In side quests, professions or dungeons :slightly_smiling_face:

Best regards



Some pets actually do have their own mounts, i remember the Feline Familiar can fly with you on a broom.


Remember the abom Gristlegut from Zul’Drak?

“Jump, lil gool, jump! Attsa little gool.”

 Fly, lil gool, fly!

I mean
 a flying zombie gool looks hilarious, but it still checks out. :rofl:

My Venthyr pet has it’s own little horse/bat too, I vaguely remember having to buy them for him with anima. I think there is an equivalent in each covenant. I’m still working my way through them all.

There are two toys that allow this. For one toy you need to be a mage to buy it but can be used by all classes.


I have the Forgotten Feather, but it is so cumbersome ! You have to put them every time you are summoning your pet and it gets removed so easily :see_no_evil: For example, doing a puzzle chest in Zereth Mortis phase you, and when you finish it, your pet lose its wings !

I had something automatic in mind and more practical :sweat_smile:

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