Pet Peeve #37: With a License to Peeve

Yeah, there really is no nuance in this war. It’s really sad. They could have done so much more.


Don’t feel like playing wow.

Just stopped levelling my rogue, he’s 119.

Will see if the patch coming out (with the reduced levelling time on 1-110 and being able to mog gear without their respective reps) will fix the apathy I’m feeling with the game.

Blizz pre BFA release “it’s all shades of grey, nothing is as it seems”

Blizz post BFA release “Lol Jk! Sylvanas is evil as heck, bro” “Horde are the baddies now” “Our creative genius totally swerved you all, we are the masters of plot twists”


When we pretty much saw it coming from miles away that it was gonna be Sylvanas.

It was funny watching some people trying to pin it upon Jaina despite the gal not even being in touch with the Alliance in terms of information at that time… Or the silliest one being Genn setting it on fire to deny Sylvanas’s victory.


Every day, I get more and more annoyed that our armor isn’t properly 3D, especially the chestpiece, gee, thanks for the 3D “Asset” now and then, which floats over my tabard.

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My peeve: TLPD hunting, Found that poor little bird dead this morning in warmode.
Makes me sad. Camping nonwarmode now.

Well, that’s that. I am done with the rep grinds this patch.

I really do not have a reason to log into Cro anymore now. (Until next patch that is)

It’s a tiny one, but I really wish orcs could have pierced/banded tusks.

More cosmetics altogether really, haircuts, beards… et cetera

Customization, but yes. I want longer hair options for Belf females. It is absurd that the males can get longer hair than the females!

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I’d also like more customisation in general.

That we can still reply in this topic and there’s a new one regardless of that.

Tradition must be maintained.


People using Esarus thar no’Darador, it’s become extremely cringeworthy.

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Peeve: The unpredictability of Siberian weather.

It was almost summer last Saturday. It was warm and green. Now there’s a blizzard outside, everything is covered in snow, and I’m trapped at home.

Is it legal to revive an old peeve thread? I know in days gone by it wasn’t possible, but we find ourselves in a brave new world.

Can someone consult the sacred texts?

Oh it’s the resurrection soon:

[he looks at Pet Peeve #37]

you fell…

Lads Lads Lads

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