Pet Peeve #37: With a License to Peeve

Does it tell you what comments the person liked?

Looks like blood elf RP still sucks :smile:

Best get one peeve done before they fix the unsubbed posting bug :smile:

Edit: emojis are a tumour :slight_smile:


Yeah, it does. You just click the likes and itā€™ll show it.

EDIT: Tisā€™ under, profile > summary > likes.

You can hide your profile and presence on the forum for w/e reason, yet you can see the ganked uvs now. I say that is an improvement to create a non-toxic community :sunny:

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u promised to behave

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You can also vote for yourself with your own alts. :sunglasses::point_right::point_right:

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Itā€™s nice to see who is currently replyingā€¦

Launch the Magisters already so I can come back you slavic clown

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That is stupid. Oh hell. I guess at least you can see the people who do that?

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my pet peeve is ur existence

and @ynaar yeah, i already created all characters on every single realm to abuse the system whilst i can


Donā€™t worry Iā€™ll be gone soon once Blizzard banishes the unsubbed back to the shadow realm lmao

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Iā€™m not fond of the scrolling bar, the new post has to be right at the top of the screen for it to register over on the right.

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How many likes can you give in a day?

someone said there is a daily limit of posts you can make

:rotating_light: police inc :rotating_light:

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Do you have a posting loiscense for that post?


That is offensive where is the report button you offended me dont call us Clowns that not okay :frowning:


Well, that is just terrible too.

Thatā€™s only at trust level 0 which is super easy to get out of. Takes just 10 minutes (and thatā€™s only because one of the requirements is to look at forums for 10 minutes)

Jesus Christ what is this terrible forum layout? What even IS this? How do I even read it?

Seriously, Iā€™m not the only one who thinks this is an overbusy, convoluted mess right? Thereā€™s a reason I avoided the OW forums entirely.


blizzardā€™s motto: if its new - it must be awesome

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