Pet Peeve #37: With a License to Peeve

Are those emojis?

Good grief. Whatever was wrong with the classic MSN Messenger emoticons? That’s my pet peeve. Emojis. Hate them!

Actually I take that back - I can post via pc lmao

My pet peeves were all removed this glorious morning. :pray: god save blizzard :pray:

Wow it’s like they put their interns to do this work lol.

There’s so many bugs running rampant atm.

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This is weird, and strange.

Hi :wave: This :point_left::point_right: new :new: Forum :open_book: is :point_up: awful :triumph:


This new forum makes me feel gnomed

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Increased like count for more trusted members… what is this, Facebook? the Like system should be removed as the dislikes were…

There’s a bunch of things wrong with this new forum.

  1. If you like something (e.g. by accident), you can’t remove the like
  2. The new font is far more unpleasant to look at
  3. The scrolling is constantly spasming for me, jumping dozens of posts up and down on its own (happens both on phone and PC)
  4. Hyperlinks outside of the forums themselves don’t seem to work
  5. There’s a limit to how many posts you can like in a day
  6. You can’t edit any posts that were posted BEFORE this forum overhaul

The new forum looks horrid.

I’d prefer if blizzard nerfed shamans, and I say that as a shaman main.
Farewell old forum. I shall miss you dearly.

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This new forum is very confusing :sweat:

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When will the scrolling end?! :scroll::scroll::scroll::scroll:

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Why do i get a notification every time someone drops me a like or answers to me?

Just found out it’s even worse on mobile.
Atleast I have emotes…

Well it sucks so much i know i have been suspended from the forums 2 times already in the past so i will never reach lvl 3 because onec i got suspended for trolling High elfs as an Allied race topic and second time i threathened a player cause he was threatning another innocent player i wanted to play the hero the aggressive way so back then it was my bad but cause of that i will never reach level 3.

Just discovered that you can view summaries of topics now, I notice some more prominent posters are on -only- seven replies? Gotta up :arrow_up: your game if you want those trust levels fam. :fire::fire::fire::fire:

I kind of like it to be honest it looks almost like Facebook in a way to me :smiley:.

Feels like they took away every aspect of privacy that the forums had.

This is terrible. There’s so much brown to my right.

People can look at who you give the most likes too on your profile. Forum stalk mode af. :fearful: