Pet Peeve #37: With a License to Peeve

Well, this is odd. My subscription lapsed a month and a half ago.

This is one of the worst forum designs I’ve seen since 2001, and that’s saying something. It’s a cluttered, eye-searing, buggy mess made by someone without even a rudimentary understanding of aesthetics and UX.

Here’s another pet peeve: overuse of hashtags. Especially in media that don’t even support hashtags.


Can’t they at least change the font so the letters don’t look like noodles…

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Rather infamously there’s no real matchmaking in D2. At least in QuickPay. Fortunately the base game has plenty of great gear but the expansion will probably help, I picked it up.while it was on a sale and don’t regret it!

I miss the old forums we had, before Cata.

Even if there weren’t any character avatars but images everyone of the same class and race shared, it just felt so much… cosier?

Never much liked the post-Cata forums either, but this one takes the awful cake.


Ah, but you see, to be compliant with Mobile-First™ and Responsive™ and whatever else, websites designed in the 2010s are contractually required to use Open Sans, the blandest and most overused open source font ever designed. Screw Blizzard’s own font, it’s not like we want brand recognition.

Also, all buttons must be conspicuous, use a garish color, and take more visual space than the actual content. I’m surprised the social media buttons are all neatly collected behind one “share” button instead of taking half the screen space for themselves.

Also, how the heck do I quote?

Just highlight the part of text you want to quote and the quote option should appear beneath it.

Don’t forget that all the designs have to be floating. Nothing can ever be grounded to anything.


Ah yes, because a website just isn’t Modern™ without annoying popups that appear over selected text, with options that aren’t discoverable through any other means.

No $websitename$, I don’t want to share the text I selected on Facebook. I just selected it because your hip and modern ultra-thin font is otherwise illegible on my monitor.

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The fact that I can armory-check some of the people on the forums and for some the option appears hidden. Is this a toggle you can have somewhere in the settings to hide your character from inspecting it, or a bug?

I thought that there was either poor matchmaking, or no matchmaking at all. It would explain why I am having games where I either have a balanced game, people have a higher skill rating than me, and where I win by a landslide (I will be honest, most of the times when that happens I think I am just being lucky more than anything)

I didn’t buy the expansion yet, I was being rather skeptical. Although I will say, the game certainly is quite enjoyable, so I don’t think I’ll have any qualms about getting Forsaken once it hits another sale. Hopefully when the Christmas sale comes around.

Edit: Actually I do have one qualm: Activision is pulling the strings for Bungie. I think that’s the only one thing that is keeping me from really wanting to get Forsaken.

Certainly is strange. I am currently unsubscribed as well, and I can post.

I hope this is intentional and isn’t a bug or anything (Likely it is going to be seen as such, boo). Hopefully it stays, because I am pretty sure there are plenty of people with valid posts who are unsubscribed.

And if anyone says “Unsubbed Trolls will come and Troll” then well… We can report the trolls for trolling, right?

I only have Champions of Azeroth left to grind.

But i need tons of it.


Upcoming Friday is Black Friday. Keep your eyes peeled, especially on sites like IsThereAnyDeal.

Forum peeve: Seeing a post number in between parentheses on the browser tab.

Game peeve: 8.1 so far is not enticing me to come back to WoW.

That concerned me as well. But right after Activision said theyw ere “dissapointed” with Forsaken sales, Bungie’s leader commented that they’re “very happy” with how Forsaken has sold and solely intend to keep developing a fun game for the people who love it as is. Which put a bit more faith in the game for me.

It helps that Bungie likely just secured a way to self-publish their future titles (Including Destiny 3 whenever that comes out as they own the IP). They got an investment from Netease, but while I was horrified at first, on closer inspection the deal is basically just “We give you £100 (Lowballing it just for example’s sake). You give us 10% of sales. Ok? Ok.” Otherwise Netease has no leverage over Bungie nor are they publishing their games.

:popcorn::popcorn: Hi there I share your opinion :popcorn::popcorn:

The old forums had this as well, however. it isn’t really new and, in fact, this features works better on the new forums. Now, it also adds in the poster’s name, so you don’t have to trudge through an entire post just to get your small quote.

My peeve is how rushed and sloppy these new forums seem to be. Options don’t have a proper caption and are just displayed as a command (see: hide profile), people can post without being logged in, people can post without being subscribed and even suspended people can subscribe again. This, to me, all reeks of a rush like Battle for Azeroth itself.


Does anyone know off the top of their heads, rares that drop azerite hats. i need something to fall back on if I don’t get one on my monk tomorrow.

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Well I heard about Bungie being happy with Forsaken’s performance, and I have to say that you certainly put me a bit at ease about this.

You know what? It is decided, I’ll get Forsaken then. Hopefully it will go to the right hands, because if the message at the end of the base campaign has anything to go by, the folks at Bungie are ones who do this out of passion (And money, of course)
WoW Peeve: 8.1 doesn’t have Zandy Trolls instantly. Boo to that.

Also a peeve: Can’t post links yet. Discord Image links, to be specific.

A new peeve right now: The intro quest of Stormheim on a Horde character for one single reason: The catapult. Just…the catapult.

Yeah, that leg of the quest chain is horrid and always has been.