Pet Peeve #37: With a License to Peeve

Everytime I come to this part I always think, “Well it wasn’t so bad now was it?” Roughly a few seconds later when I actually fire the catapult it turns into, “Oh, yeah it actually WAS that bad.”

The Alliance side is so much easier and quicker to do. Especially because you actually have a machine gun.

Who woulda thought that trying to hit flying targets with a catapult would be hard?

Now imagine if they shrank the gryphon rider hitboxes to actually match their model size. :smiley:

Well, my mag’har orc now has Knaifu. Gonna be real weird when its suddenly locked in a chest and then recovered by Sylvanas.

Especially because once i hit 110, I’m going to stop levelling on her because i have other alts to focus.

“No sir, I have Knaifu right here. I haven’t put it down in months”

Its already a bit of a peeve that I’m going to have 2 monks to 120 before I’ve done all the unique classes.

That is fine. I have 3 warriors, a priest, a mage, a hunter, a shaman, a rogue, and a monk at 120. The rest are all 110 or below. I don’t have any warlock or DH or druid whatsoever.

So… This may sound random, but does anyone remember an old peeve I mention, about having lumps/bumps on my head? Well thankfully it wasn’t anything serious… But turns out that it was something still pretty terrible.

Turns out I have head-herpes, or at least my doctor said it’s that. Which is not ideal because I am on a waiting period for my insurance to kick in (So I have to pay for all medical expenses, horray), and it’s itching something mighty, and if I do happen to scratch, I afterwards feel a pretty horrible agony.

Hopefully once I kick this through, I won’t have another bodily anomaly plaguing me for at least… The next three months.

Except its not fine for me and that’s just the way my mind works.

That sucks, hope it kicks in for you soon. Do you know how you got that? (If you don’t mind me asking that is)

Funny story, as all my ailments start really. It was a pretty regular week, started it off with getting a haircut on Monday, and on Thursday after I took a bath, my head started to hurt. And a few days after that, went to the doctor,and then two days afterwards, I go again because the head pain got worse, and then I was told that it’s herpes.

Now I doubt it’s because it’s from the hairstylist. I did tell her about it and we both figured it’s not from there (Because some older gentleman would probably be coming with complaints to her as well), and it’s no allergic reaction. So either it’s just a late case of “Yearly medical anomaly” for me, or someone on the forums made a wish for me to suffer (That’s probably not true, but it would be a bit unusual)

Thank you for the well wishes as well.


I am appalled and disgusted

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Two active pet peeve threads!

What is the world (of Warcraft) coming to?

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I am still unable to post links, and this peeves me greatly. All I wanna do is post a Discord Image link.

In-game peeve: Boosters. A bunch of people who charge large amounts of gold to take someone through a Dungeon. I believe during Legion boosts were around 30 to 50k gold, maybe a bit higher, but all of a sudden in BfA the prices are now very high. Where did the mark-up come from?

In my humble opinion, I consider these types of boosters to be nothing more but spawns of G’huun. No good parasites the lot of them.

I mean yeah, if someone wants a boost, they’re certainly free to get themselves one, since it’s their gold on the line. But I would like to ask: Why in the first place? What’s the ultimate benefit of paying 300k gold just so you can go through a high level Dungeon Key, or go through Heroic Uldir? Someone please tell me the practical reason why someone would want those things?

The funny thing is, I remember a time a good while back, where paid boosts were frowned upon, or at the very least tolerated with a hint of scrutiny. Nowadays they seem to have evolved in to something perfectly acceptable, and if anyone decides to look at it with said scrutiny, it’s somehow the “Wrong thing to do”.

Times change… But sometimes, times change for the worst.

Everyone is sitting on millions of gold from the Legion class halls.

The absurd cost of consumables is steadily draining that money, but many are still rich.

Yoshi-p being such a tease with Viera. Just confirm them already!

Trying to format a post on reddit. It’s just annoying, especially with how small the reply window is. Sure you can drag it bigger but personally I think having standardised small areas to write a post in just encourages shorter posts…

The whole, totally not a retcon ‘retcon’ of the wrathgate and the regular youtube lot that gush over it, as if Blizzard were some sort of investigative journalists whom had uncovered some sort of hidden truth…

Rather than just changed things because people were calling them out on their ‘totally not siege of Orgrimmar 2.0’ plot line.

Yeah Sylvanas is so evil and clever she can play 4D chess arrange to double cross the Horde, the alliance, Putrice and his crew, get a Dreadlord to take the fall for it…

But she can’t plan for Arthas just turning around and going back inside.


So the peeve is basically blizzard writing as of BfA?

A mixture of the bad writing and the youtube… well shill teams bigging it up.

It’d be nice to be able to post on other forums aside from AD.

You can log out and back on until you can select your main character again and then you should be able to post on any forum.

Also my new peeve: The reply option doesn’t seem to work as I can’t see that I’ve replied to someone. So I’ll likely have to go back to quoting again.

While it would be nice to go post somewhere else, I am still happy that i can post on the Argent Dawn forum.

Destiny 2 peeve: I am starting to hate the PvP. Either I am playing against people who are armed to the teeth against me, are just flat out better overall OR the matchmaking really isn’t doing a good job in making balanced matches.

Most of the kills I make now are either pure luck or the enemy was looking away, or they were already low. Other times I just get one-shot by some badass with a shotgun, or just one-punch K.O me.

It’s not very fun I have to say.

Dropping in to say I still hate the new forums.