13/11/2018 01:08Posted by
Levey Trust level 1 seems a move to crack down on bots but shutting a lot of people out from posting images, forever unable to be level 3 is absurd.
You think that's bad? Try becoming an MVP. One day...*shakes fist*
Authentication servers being down. :anger:
Authentication servers being down. :anger:
I don't use authentication but I can't log in to Battle.Net app anyway. I have no knowledge of what's wrong with servers but I blame new CoD game.
It might be that they first test this on the US forums, but I am sure we'll be next at some point in the future.
[Trust Level 3] There is nothing wrong with these changes. Please CEASE your complaints and get back to enjoying a STELLAR forum experience.
13/11/2018 08:14Posted by
Uruk 13/11/2018 01:08Posted by
Levey Trust level 1 seems a move to crack down on bots but shutting a lot of people out from posting images, forever unable to be level 3 is absurd.
You think that's bad? Try becoming an MVP. One day...*shakes fist*
Don't you have to apply now?
Which is another peeve, tbh. I think it was better when it was awarded, not asked for. Eh.
The forum stuff sounds nuts. Too easy to abuse; both from Forum Superstars, and people who hate those Forum Superstars. Unless they're gonna actually provide more mods, it's gonna go to sheet.
13/11/2018 10:56Posted by
Watrus it's gonna go to sheet.
That's a step below going to mattresses!
It's a gang war!
Peeve: I did only the main questlines in Tiragarde Sound and Stormsong Valley (basically the questlines which lead you up to the dungeon) and I am only 114. Seems like the best route is indeed to start in Drustvar, considering that it's the only zone whose main storyline is kinda long and actually takes you through the whole zone and not only a small part.
Cat bit me and has left a mark.
Bloody animal...
Trying to hold on to a mustache I've managed to grow over the couple of months, because without it I look like such a boy...
But man, if it's not trying to drive me crazy! It itches all the time. Not like "itchy itchy" but I have to like caress it now and then to stop it from itching. And don't even get me started on nose hair!
I'm tempted to just shave it off and be free.
Visit a barber, Shamoss! They often got tips on how to handle that kind of stuff.
I wanted to sleep for an hour after lunch today. Had set up my alarm on my phone and everything.
Woke up two and a half hours later.
Thanks phone. I love you too.
Visit a barber, Shamoss! They often got tips on how to handle that kind of stuff.
I haven't had to visit a barber in years since I cut my hair short and I can just do that myself. And I feel like my stache - and any facial hair I have in general - is still just so puny that a visit to the barber simply isn't warranted. Yeah, I can't grow a proper beard, just a decent mustache. What I wouldn't give to look like Shamoss here.
I can just google it. Think some oil might be needed. Washing my face also seems to calm it down for a few hours.
13/11/2018 08:14Posted by
Uruk 13/11/2018 01:08Posted by
Levey Trust level 1 seems a move to crack down on bots but shutting a lot of people out from posting images, forever unable to be level 3 is absurd.
You think that's bad? Try becoming an MVP. One day...*shakes fist*
MVPs are mostly just shills anyway np
1 Like
I just watched a BellularGaming video and it had the old Westfall music playing...and now I am nostalgic. I want to go back there and kill some defias, I want to search the messenger, team up with others and storm the Deadmines. No strange CSI references, no giant fortress in the middle of the zone: Just a militia lead by a paladin trying to defend their homes.
I hope Classic has RP servers. I want to create a Westfall Brigade/People's Militia guild.
Found a load of timeless isle cloth tokens. Thought to myself; hey, I can get the cloudscorcher set from that if I send them to my mage.
Do so, start popping them and... only one piece is the actual orange one, the others are all amaranthine, which is a colouration I have already.
WHY is this random?
Acording to wowhead, I should've got cloudscorcher because you get that one if you pop it on a mage or warlock and get amaranthine if you do it on a priest.
POKÉMON Detective Pikachu... God help us all.
The fact that there are Gilnean civilian sets added to the PTR at long last... But they’re cloth and not cosmetic. Which I may add feels like a very crappy idea. Do I *really* need to wear cloth on a rogue if I just wanted to RP in that?
13/11/2018 23:10Posted by
Farrei POKÉMON Detective Pikachu... God help us all.
I'm not sure about it. It looks... odd.
1 Like
I dunno, as weird as it initially looked to me, most of the more realistic pokemon designs are growing on me.
It looks to be a brainless fun flick, with Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu.