Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

I hate the idea of any cash shop stuff. But here’s an idea, what if you could level another character, and if they’re the same level as your DK here, you could somehow switch the classes between them. This removes the problem of “you haven’t leveled this class so no.”

This other character should be the same faction, and the feature should be done in another way than cash shop.

the guards in thunder totem, turns out they don’t stop PvPers, or they’re too weak…

You’d expect you can afk at least at a town, right next to a guard, but no…
Maybe these antlered cows shouldn’t be in the horde

i only got 4 hours sleep, i’m now pretty tired

Wich class if you dont mind me asking?

Either druid or hunter.

So your character wont be dead anymore? Or are you going to RP an undead Hunter / druid? Asking because I have seen you posting a few times about DK Tauren guilds/tribes. Wich on the other hand was a pretty cool idea

That the only way to get LS rep is to farm that one area in Gorgrond.

No, I know, I can transmog my mask (i have already) but i want the tabard. i also know i can transmog that too, but i want it physically on this character.

Wish I could farm Hc Everbloom daily for rep like you could back when it was current with the event up.

The trust level stuff is a load of crap.

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No Uruk as a character will stay a DK. If the class change is available in the future, I will simply just create a new tauren DK and name him Uruk so I can continue RPing with him.

Why don’t you just reroll? Reps are accountwide now so you don’t really lose much of anything. CM armour is bound to class anyway so you’d lose it even in a class change.

I was a bit hesitant to drop Ashi at first but it hasn’t really been a problem.


We didn’t sign up for being the evil faction!

A neutral pandaren is in Boralus healing civilians and she needs to die because why exactly?

A year from now, Sylvanas grabs newborn puppies and spears them onto pikes while burning children in front of their parents.

Baine: “This is deeply dishonorable, I am concerned.”

Lor’themar: “Sylvanas was once one of us so I’ll defend her no matter what.”

Thalyssra: “The Nightborne only seek peace!”


I tried to reroll. Didn’t work. I have too many items, reps at exalted and teleports to be able to start again.

Garrosh was right…

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Garrosh saw the truth about Sylvanas before anyone of us did.

We could have stopped all this from happening.

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I’ll gladly play the evil faction. At the very least the Horde (though through Sylvanas) moves the storyline forward while the Alliance simply seem to go “We’ll fight you because we’re heroes, huzzah!”

I will not say that I enjoy the, in my opinion, poorly written character that Sylvanas has become but I enjoyed to see Teldrassil on fire.


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind taking the evil side (if DKs got the option to stay with Arthas I would have taken it) but this is different, the Horde was supposed to be the misunderstood faction that is visually monstrous and the subject of prejudice for that reason. They weren’t supposed to be morally monstrous to make all that hatred against them justified.


I’d unironically enjoy a legitimately evil faction, not one that is both simultaneously intended to be morally grey/honourable and outright malevolent.

Garrosh could’ve moved it forward too, and that without being a mustache-twirling villain.

Garrosh did nothing wrong.

Meme aside I agree. It was the later writing where Blizzard seemed to decide for the easy route to have him the antagonist that puts a sour taste to what I otherwise enjoyed as a character. I would’ve liked a tad more focus on the debate that Garrosh commited the acts he did for the Horde and that the reason there was a rebellion was because characters like Vol’jin and Baine questioned the morality of it.

Yes, Garrosh did immoral acts but he did so for the Horde and there stems an issue I have with Sylvanas at least, that she is written to do these acts simply because she can.

The biggest problem I got with garrosh was how he kept prisoners from theramore in Orgrimmar, this serves no purpose but to villainize him