Feels like a low pop realm now.
Is it really that bad on Team Blue now? Because I gotta say, Orgrimmar is more active for RP than I have seen it for years…
Peeve, rumours of Blizz’s heavy handedness royally screwing over folks.
I keep hearing that Blizzard implemented an ICD in rated arena(or was it RBg?) of 30 minutes in which you wont be facing the same team. Result, queue times for rated stufg have skyrocketed.
I’m like the opposite. I like to think I am good or decent at shooters, Mediocre in MMOs, garbage in MOBAS and pretty decent in vehicle games like War Thunder air battles or World of Warships. I love me some dogfights in my FW 190 Dora or in a Spitfire.
Yeah, sadly Alliance is finished. As based Ion once said: [if you want to roleplay] sorry, but the Horde is there waiting for you
Wouldn’t surprise me, they did something to HotS that has tripple the queues at some points.
People are more inspired by the Dark Lady than the Little Lion. Who knew?
Anduin is such a crap character.
It is annoying they could have made him so good.
The young dove surrounded by warhawks, hoping to end this war before it goes further, while his advisors demand more and more action.
A man torn between his spiritual duty as a priest and his duty as a royal and leader of the alliance.
Instead they give him magical bones that mean he can never do wrong.
People aren’t inspired by either
I am personally inspired by Nisha and her genocidal campaign against those faithless scum.
It’s not, people are overreacting per usual.
For example I am currently roleplaying in both Feathermoon Stronghold and Val’sharah with two characters and both are active enough to actually find roleplay as Alliance.
Currently also in Dun Morogh on Shadowtwili and Gearflame for Winter Veil, and I also easily enough for roleplay.
Pendragons the Death Knight is neutral, but I can find rp on him too.
But I guess people are afraid to ask in LFRP/KRP if someone wants to roleplay too? I mean in the rare cases I can not find RP, I just ask those channels and usually there’s someone around to RP with.
Doomsayers are a pet peeve. Alliance isn’t dying, Horde isn’t dying, AD isn’t dying. The game’s population may be shrinking - and regardless of the truth there, it’s a long fall from its peak - but RP is very much still an active and popular feature on the realm. New initiatives spring up all the time, and RPers are probably the most loyal playerbase that Blizzard has, because we don’t rely on content to ensure we all keep playing.
[Failure] What the heck? Get out of here before I call the guards, trickster.
I think the word you’re looking for is “coerced”.
wtf can’t believe Sylvanas reached through my computer screen to make me play Horde.
Truly her terror knows no bounds
I was inspired to play Horde by Thrall and Cairne in WC3. Couldn’t care less about Sylvanas.
the legions of sylvanas fans have no limit in their tools of evil
crude, vile artwork…
endless supply of monster drink…
I disagree. I consider it a lazy way of getting a character out of a tight spot.
Hey! We have some nice artists!
I don’t think Thrall or Cairne are really fond of the undeath… or undeath death knights that are mindless killing machines if thet don’t regurly cause pain.