Pet Peeve: The Undying

Tubri larson, our peeve captain marvel.

Small stature, big hits.

Short pet peeves:

  1. People who say worgenS, taurenS, pandarenS.

It’s worgen! Tauren! Pandaren!

One worgen! Many worgen!

One tauren! Many tauren!

One pandaren! Many pandaren!



Yes, I can go to the armoury, put your name into it and then I can over look your character. Takes around 5 seconds.

Why. Can. You. Make. Your. Profile. Hidden. In. The. Forums. Questionmark.

Now you might ask: “why would you want to look up someones profile anyways?”

Idk, to check their raid progression maybe? To check if they got a cool mog when you see the little picture in the forums?

But no. You can’t directly if the person has it disabled. Why this “feature” exists while you can easily out do it? Only Blizzard knows. Just another great example of how well thought through this forum really is.

That’s no reason why it needs to crash, but it does need to yeah, too many bad companies out there need to be purged, but how to spare the better ones, Fromsoft and CDPR for example.

I mean, it is a problem, yes, but not one solved through a video game crash, this stuff roots itself in politics.

I’ve somehow disabled the quest tooltip on mouse overs while on my zandalari hunter (you know, where it pops up 9/10 on quest mobs) and I don’t know how to re-eneable it.

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I did have this problem a while ago, and I found an old post how to fix it.

‘’ Hello fellow gamers.

As I had an issue that I found a few times in the forum (but never with the right solution), I decided to share the solution with you. Maybe it helps someone with this issue.

Issue: With single characters the tracking tooltip of objects or NPCs is not working. The tooltip does not indicate if the NPC or object is part of a quest (i.e. kill murlocs will show something like “Kill Murlocs 1/10”).

Fix 1:
Type command “/console showQuestTrackingTooltips 1” in chat.

This should directly fix the tooltip, however it seems to not work for everyone. As far as I found out this comes from the command not working for them (the command is not fired).

Fix 2:
Type command “/run SetCVar(“showQuestTrackingTooltips”, 1) ReloadUI()” into the chat.

This command works a bit different and therefore most of the times work.

To make sure, that hte variable is set, you can use the following command in an macro or directly in the chat:
/run print(GetCVar(“showQuestTrackingTooltips”))

This will display the value (1 is on, 0 is off, other values might be seen as 0, so you should stick to 1).

With the control command, you can also check if possibly an addon is directly setting the variable back (best is to check disabling all addons for the command).

This solution is only for the Tooltip on mouseover of NPCs or objects that are target of a quest.

I hope this helps others who get this issue.

Best Regards

Your friendly discipline Priestess Amaelune’’


Lost motivation to draw…

Thank you!

I’ll give them a try and see which works.

EDIT: First one worked like a charm. Thanks again jessicka.

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Proper competition law needs application and enforcement so as to shatter ossified monopolistic predatory corporations that endure in bloated undeath by consuming competitors whilst dragging down quality to the lowest level that they can legally and comercially get away with at the expense of the customer who’s consistently given fewer options of worse products at steeper prices just to grow the Holy Quarterly Profit.

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Again another sign that we’re in a crash, don’t take this the wrong way Frostbinder I do agree with you that the stuff is rooted in politics but think about why that’s the case? It’s because we’ve reached a state of creative bankruptcy so writers insert their political opinions into their games in a way that doesn’t feel authentic.

A good example of what I’m talking about is actually an old Doctor Who serial called Frontier In Space which I only just noticed a few months ago but there’s a lot of Cold War parallels in it including the xenophobia [which is ironic because there’s a really racist bit which I don’t think the writers intended but I won’t go into it]

But the writing didn’t feel inauthentic with the characters like it does now in some cases. Also one minor grievance I do need to take up with your post

I’m sorry but Fromsoft are part of the reason we’re in a crash.

Pet Peeve - I want to share a cover of a song which sounds really good but I can’t because the Youtuber who did it is banned in France.

That word, it peeves me

I’ll say French next time.

That peeves me as well.

What about Baguette.

A comon affliction among the British, or so I hear.


People sneaking real life politics into their TRPs.

Given that it’s been happening for at least two decades (probably longer, before my time, etc.) I think we’re probably fine.


Well that’s one aspect anyway, I’m also referring to the lack of innovation like we saw in the 90’s.

EDIT - Just to add when they are a bit innovative it’s usually pooped on.

That’s the proper word.

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I prefer my native term… stokbrood.

I mean Sekiro and Soulsborne are really good games.

As for the rest, sure, you’ve got a point, I suppose, still, something in politics needs to crash, too. Something that’d make firing these creatively bankrupt idiots a bit easier without some dumb backlash.

Yes, stick bread, great name, dutch people