Pet Peeve: The Undying

My legs REALLY hurt today and I dunno why but it made walking into work a massive pain pun intended.

I think they disbanded again…

And the Grove isn’t too busy, and do you know what they’re doing instead of guarding? Playing chase in travel form…

Did they? Saw them just the other week I’m pretty sure.

There’s a Certain Group in the grove right now that I do not respect 0/10 IGN go back to Stormwind

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Go back to Ashenvale*

I think it was over the weekend? I may be misinformed, one of their members mentioned it IC :man_shrugging:t2:

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And they didn’t even invite me, that’s it, Friendship with druids ended, Now Shamans Are my best friend.

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You’re thinking of Pharos Sirius. The HM version of that sounds like normal, but has a nice intro added… I always thought the vocals in it sounded like shower singing, but I love it :joy:

Yeah, that was the one I was thinking of!


Mixed peeve/delight; cat threw up a hair ball that was as big as he is but that means he’ll recover and i won’t have to take him to the vets.

I was fretting over having to pay 700 quid for him to have an enema again, and while i would pay that if I had to, I’m glad that i do not.


Here’s the smug little git from a few nights ago, knew I was going to bed so he hopped onto my chair.


I’d to just say: Ew.

I know, but better he had it and recovered than something really bad happening to him.

Even if it did leave me quite a bit out of pocket.


From the way you’ve described him, Croecell, he sounds like a picky eater so I can imagine this may be useless to you. But our cat has never had hair balls again since I started giving her royal canin dry cat food (Indoors, as she is a lazy punk), it was one of the claims they made iirc and it turned out to be true! I thought I’d mention it in case hair balls are a bit problematic with your cat :).

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Thank you for the suggestion! i do appreciate it.

But he is an extremely picky eater. At least he is in his old age.

EDIT: Will also sometimes only eat if he’s hand fed like the little princeling he is.

I’d say it’s an ego thing, not necessarily in bad faith but sensitive to criticism.

Everyone wants to be a Master. Everyone’s an off-brand Jaina oozing power regardless of training, inexplicably awesome enough to have their own peppy anime themesong. Or they’re an elf or some other magical pixie person with godlike magical power just because they’re not human…

Given canonical Human Potential™, you could train farmers to be low level mages flinging fireballs relatively quickly. But that’d upend the late medieval style society and turn Stormwind into Dalaran 2,0.


My phone browser asks me why I’m not using the youtube app for watching youtube. One word: Adblocker. Maybe youtube shouldn’t have allowed 2 ads to play in a row every 4 minutes making long form videos unwatchable without blocking, hmmm?

Wolfenstein was the original antifa propaganda!

Total War community is filled to the brim with this nonsense, fuelled especially by a certain selectively edited rome 2 youtube bit about the family tree/female characters update.

It has a lot of inherent sickness with protochronists, ethnonationalists and history denial in general because some just want to lead their chosen people to greatness in a nationalist power fantasy.

At least it’s not death knights.

Three. The malignancy of prideful ignorance.

Bonus peeve: I’m ill and bedbound. Send medicine or a horse vet with a gun.


British Public Transport.

Im so glad we are flying tomorrow and not today, is all I can say :stuck_out_tongue:

You may have terrible public transports compared to France but right now I’d love to have the speed of British administration.

Anything regarding official paperwork takes forever here, I wanna renew a Passport so I can finally get that god awful appointment to Paris and get a Visa for the US.

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Dude don’t leave us hanging. Did you get the cape?

TFW your theme song is actually just two guys screaming in a bathroom with a bon-go drum while someone honks a Clown horn occasionally.

Get on my level, kids.

Levey, the one who answers your peeves… To ease your pain…!!!

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Peeve: people who put their shopping bags on the benches/bus seats while there’s others who want to seat.


Looks at British Government and public bodies
… Right. Yeah. Sure.
Be careful what you wish for :stuck_out_tongue:

People who also despite not getting off in the next station are clogging up the entrance/exit of the Bus/Tramway instead of going further inside to make a path.

Bonus points if they also have a stroller.